What does 4D stand for?

Acronym Definition
4D Four-Dimensional
4D Fourth Dimension
4D Fourth District (Washington, DC police)
4D Demonstration Duty (police incident report; New Zealand)

What are the abbreviations of Singapore?

SG Singapore Regional » Countries Rate it:
65 Singapore Regional » Telephone Country Codes Rate it:
SG Singapore Miscellaneous » USPS Rate it:

What does MOS stand for Singapore?

Minister of State
MOS – Minister of State.

What is 4D vs 3D?

4D technology refers to technology that functions in all the four common dimensions. It is an important concept in physics which while referring to three-dimensional space (3D), also adds the dimension of time to the other three dimensions (which are length, width, and depth).

What does the 4D mean on the gearshift?

Therefore, when you see 4D in your vehicle’s dashboard, it means that you’re driving (D) and in fourth gear (4D). Basically, when your gear shift is in the 4D position, it means that the vehicle will drive on its fourth gear in equilibrium after reaching the correct speeds.

What is Singapore FT?

Almost everywhere in the world FT means “Financial Times”, but in Singapore these days, it means “foreign talent”, currently a “sensitive” issue, to the extent that most of the time FT is used in an ironical way.

What does GG mean Singapore?

17. GG. What it means: A popular gamer’s term, “GG”, also known as good game, has in recent years been added to the Singaporean’s list of slangs to represent the feeling that something is going to or has already ended in a disaster.

What is SMF?

SMF stands for System Management Facility, which is a component of z/OS from IBM. The purpose of SMF is to produce records of activity on a mainframe computer that are then recorded to a file. Types of activities which can be recorded by SMF include errors, software usage, network activity, and much more.

What means Bamf?

noun. vulgar slang North American. A very tough or formidably impressive person. ‘you are a BAMF who doesn’t back down from a fight’

What does YP mean Singapore?

young punk
05 October 2020 – 13 November 2020. The ubiquitous Ah Beng, or YP, which stands for “young punk”, is an icon in local popular culture. An unavoidable subject of any discourse involving local youths, Ah Bengs — and their female counterparts, Ah Lians — have been evolving quickly with technology and the times.

What does coy mean in NS?

Coy. (Company) A large group (of 240-50 people, and split into 4 platoons in BMT) Platoon.