What is BearWeb?

BearWeb is the self-service portal for students to register for classes and access other student information. Logging into BearWeb. 1. Open a webpage and go to https://bearweb.baylor.edu.

Does Baylor still have a live bear?

Our current bears, Judge Joy Reynolds (Joy) and Judge Sue Sloan (Lady), are biological sisters. Joy arrived on campus as a cub in 2001 and was named after the wife of the 11th President of Baylor, Dr. Herbert H.

Is Baylor Pass Fail?

Grading Policies

Grade/ Symbol Description Grade Points
IP Incomplete Extension n/a
W Withdrawal n/a
P Pass n/a
FA Fail (Pass/Fail) n/a

How do you use pawprints Baylor?

Walk to printer and release using mobile device.

  1. Lock your computer screen.
  2. Walk to the nearest Pawprints printer.
  3. Open queues on your mobile device at baylor.edu/pawprints/release.
  4. Select your printer and job will automatically be placed there.
  5. Releasing from computer also works.

What do Baylor students call themselves?

Today, more than 90 percent of entering freshmen participate in this special week where new students get the opportunity to meet new people, forge friendships, embrace traditions and begin their lives as Baylor Bears.

What is a B+ at Baylor?

Baylor currently has a fairly standard grading scale in place: 90 and above is an A, 88-89 is a B+, 80-88 is a B, 78-79 is a C+, 70-78 is a C, 60-69 is a D and 59 and below is an F.

Can Baylor repeat?

Baylor will once again play through a tough Big 12 schedule. Five teams, including the Bears, are ranked this season. Kansas is No. 6.

What clay is best for paw prints?

Sculpey III clay
We recommend Sculpey III clay as it is the softest to work with. You’ll need about 2 oz. for each paw print (this may be more or less depending on the size of your animal). Take the clay out of its wrapping and begin to roll it in your hands to soften it.