What happened to Kristoff once upon a time?

When the Spell is broken, Kristoff returns to Arendelle with Anna and Elsa, and they take Arendelle from Hans. Afterwards, Kristoff and Anna finally get married.

Who does Kristoff end up with?

By the end of their adventure, Kristoff developed a romantic relationship with Anna, and was welcomed into the royal family of Arendelle. Three years into their relationship, Kristoff proposed to Anna, thus becoming her fiancé.

Who is Hans girlfriend in Frozen?

Establishing a connection based on their similar pasts, Hans proposed to Anna. After their dance, the two spent some time together reflecting on their pasts, realizing they had similar experiences.

Who falls in love with Kristoff?

Kristoff Bjorgman is the tritagonist and love interest of Anna in the 2013 Disney animated film, Frozen. In the film, he is voiced by Jonathan Groff as an adult and the uncredited Tyree Brown as a little boy.

What episode does Elsa find Anna in Ouat?

“Fall” is the tenth episode of the fourth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on November 30, 2014. Episode no. In this episode, Belle and the fairies work on an antidote; Emma and Elsa search for Anna; and in Arendelle, Anna and Kristoff learn that 30 years have passed.

How old is Hans?

around 23 years old
According to Jennifer Lee, Hans is around 23 years old. In a cut draft of the film, after Hans’ sword was destroyed by Anna’s frozen body, he was going to catch a second wind and try to attack again, only for Kristoff to knock him out. This was cut because it distracted from the drama of the scene itself.

Who does Hans marry?

By the end of their tour, Hans works up the courage to propose, with Anna agreeing in a heartbeat. The two head back to the royal throne room, where the party is being held, to ask for Elsa’s blessing. Elsa coldly refuses, denying Anna marrying someone she just met, and subsequently ends the party.

Did Hans have feelings for Anna?

When Anna first met Hans, she became infatuated with his good looks and charm. As the two became more acquainted with each other and their lonely pasts, they soon shared a romantic duet which ended with Hans proposing to Anna, which she gladly accepted despite having only known him for a day.