How do you replace the Vileda sponge?

How to Install a Vileda Bee Mop Refill

  1. Position the mop so the sponge head is chest high and the tip of the handle is on the floor.
  2. Move the wringing lever in the middle of the handle all the way toward the sponge head.
  3. Press down on the sponge head.
  4. Insert the end of the refill sponge head into the sponge head slot.

How do you clean a vileda pad?

For maximum convenience, the mop pad is also machine washable at up to 60°C. To keep it hygienic and clean, pop it into your washing machine for easy rinsing. The bucketless mop works without batteries.

How often should you change your Vileda mop head?

There comes a time when your mop head is past its best, and we recommend replacing your mop head every three months. But, instead of having to replace your whole mop when that time comes, simply replace the mop head instead!

How do you change a Vileda flat mop head?

  1. Turn the mop over so the mop head is facing up toward the ceiling.
  2. Slide the old sponge mop head off the Vileda mop and discard in the trash.
  3. Slide the new sponge mop head onto the mop and push the release handle down to secure the mop head in place.

Can I put my Vileda mop head in the washing machine?

Yes, it is possible to wash the mop head at 60°. Simply remove the pad from the frame and put it in the washing machine. It’s that easy!

Can you wash vileda steam mop pads?

The high-quality pads are long lasting and can be washed after use and used time and time again.

Can I wash my Vileda mop head in the washing machine?

Yes, the microfiber mop heads can be washed and reused. For best results, simply wash warm in the washing machine according to usage instruction. Avoid using fabric softener.

How do you clean a smelly mop head?

Put the mop head in a solution of 1 cup white vinegar to 1 gallon of hot water. This will kill off any bacteria and remove the smell. Allow it to soak for a significant amount of time. After this simply wash it on a high temperature in the washing machine to remove the vinegar smell.