What does it mean Damascene?
What does it mean Damascene?
damascened; damascening. Definition of damascene (Entry 3 of 3) transitive verb. : to ornament (something, such as iron or steel) with wavy patterns like those of watered silk or with inlaid work of precious metals.
How is Damascene made?
Damascene is a surface decoration process that involves the inlaying of gold wire or silver into an undercut groove in the surface of bronze, iron or steel. Another form is the machining of curved line pattern into the surface of a metal. Watch parts are damascened by machine for a swirled or wavy finish.
What is Damascene work?
Damascening is the art of inlaying different metals into one another—typically, gold or silver into a darkly oxidized steel background—to produce intricate patterns similar to niello. The English term comes from a perceived resemblance to the rich tapestry patterns of damask silk.
Is a Damascene conversion?
Damascene-conversion definition A sudden and complete change in one’s beliefs.
What is a Damascene experience?
Road To Damascus experiences are those in which a person has a sudden insight that radically changes their beliefs. Whilst originally used in a spiritual context, the phrase also refers to other types of sudden conversion.
What is Damascene ice cream?
Damascene ice cream has evolved from the famous Damascene fresh lemon sorbet that was made from lemon trees grown in the Orchards around the city.
What does Damascene mean in jewelry?
Damascening is the product of chiseling and inlaying different metals, typically gold or silver, into a dark, oxidize steel background. In jewelry, usually there are little scenes or patterns made. It’s a beautiful process, traditionally hand done.
What is Toledo Damascene?
Damascene, or “damasquinado,” is the Moorish art of inlaying gold or silver threads into black steel. It is a popular handicraft not only in Toledo but also throughout Spain. ( Scott Schonauer / S&S) In addition to its swords, Toledo is renowned for its damasquinados, or damascene handicrafts and costume jewelry.
What is the road to Damascus moment?
What does a decent cove mean?
noun (Old-fashioned slang) fellow, type, customer, character, bloke (Brit. informal), chap I’ve always thought of him as a decent old cove.
What does Damascus symbolize in the Bible?
For Christians around the world, the road to Damascus is a symbol of transformation. According to the Bible, Damascus is where Paul, a tent maker who hated the Christians, was blinded by a light from heaven until his baptism in the Barada river.