Where were red kites released in Chilterns?

In July 1990 in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 13 young red kites – recently flown over from the Navarra region in Spain – took to the skies in their maiden flight in England, as part of an ambitious reintroduction programme.

How many red kites are in the Chilterns?

The same number of red kites were released in the Chilterns as in North Scotland between 1989 and 1993, but while the Chilterns population has grown to more than 200 pairs, the north Scottish population has remained at only 35 pairs.

When were red kites introduced to the Chilterns?

Between 1989 and 1994, kites from Spain were imported and released into the Chilterns by the RSPB and English Nature (now Natural England). Red kites started breeding in the Chilterns in 1992 and now there could be over 1,000 breeding pairs in the area.

How can you tell a red kite from a buzzard?

Red kites are more slender than the broad winged thick set buzzard and also have a longer wing span. However the main way to distinguish the species (apart from the colour) is the animal’s tail. The buzzard has a short broad fanned tail whilst the red kite has a very distinctive long forked tail.

Why are there so many red kites on the M40?

Its Chilterns reintroduction by Natural England, the RSPB and other partners saw it spread along the M40 corridor, eating carrion found on the motorway. By 1996, at least 37 pairs were breeding in southern England. Today, there are more than 10,000 red kites across Britain.

Are red kite native to UK?

They are native to the western Palearctic, with the European population of 19,000–25,000 pairs encompassing 95% of its global breeding range. It breeds from Spain and Portugal east into central Europe and Ukraine, north to southern Sweden, Latvia and the UK, and south to southern Italy.

Which is bigger buzzard or Red Kite?

The Common Buzzard is rather compact with broad wings and a short neck, and is slightly smaller than the Red Kite. It can appear almost wholly cream / buff but is mostly brown with an obvious wing pattern looking from beneath. However, plumage varies enormously in Common Buzzards from very pale through to very dark.

Do red kites displace buzzards?

Hi Ken, buzzards and red kites will often share their airspace, they don’t usually have a problem with the other and buzzards often join red kites at feeding stations. Red kites are social birds and are only territorial around the nest site, they will often gather together in large numbers.

Do red kites migrate from UK?

In the autumn they migrate south to France, Spain, Portugal and North Africa. Some of the birds which have been reintroduced to parts of Britain since 1989 have exhibited migratory tendencies because they still instinctively retain that trait.