What is the meaning of stop pages?
What is the meaning of stop pages?
Definition of stoppage : the act of stopping : the state of being stopped : halt, obstruction a stoppage in play.
What is stoppage in business?
a time when work is stopped because of a disagreement between workers and employers.
What do you mean by stop?
1a : to cease activity or operation his heart stopped the motor stopped. b : to come to an end especially suddenly : close, finish The talking stopped when she entered the room. 2a : to cease to move on : halt. b : pause, hesitate. 3a : to break one’s journey : stay.
What’s a creches?
crèche • \KRESH\ • noun. 1 : a representation of the Nativity scene 2 : a nursery or day care center 3 : a group of young animals (such as penguins or bats) gathered in one place for care and protection usually by one or more adults. Examples: A crèche was erected on the lawn in front of the church. “
What is stoppage in transit?
: the right of a seller of goods to stop them on their way to the buyer and resume possession of them (as on discovery of the buyer’s insolvency) — called also stoppage in transit.
How do you use stoppage in a sentence?
the act of stopping something.
- 400 workers were involved in the stoppage.
- Play resumed quickly after the stoppage.
- The stoppage was called to protest against wage cuts.
- We had five minutes of stoppage time at the end of the first half.
- Each time the game has endured a work stoppage.
What is a work stoppage called?
Strike action, also called labor strike, labour strike, or simply strike, is a work stoppage, caused by the mass refusal of employees to work. A strike usually takes place in response to employee grievances.
What does stop mean in texting?
Stay Calm, Think, Observe, Plan (scouting mnemonic of what to do when lost) STOP. Score points, Think the worst, Opt out or Put down (mnemonic for communication habits to avoid)
What does on Stop mean?
Add Comment. A buy-on-stop is a buy order marked to be held until the market price rises to the stop price, then to be entered as a market order to buy at the best available price. The buy-on-stop price always is set above the existing market price.
Why is it called a crèche?
Crèche or creche (from Latin cripia “crib, cradle”) may refer to: Child care center, an organization of adults who take care of children in place of their parents. Nativity scene, a group of figures arranged to represent the birth of Jesus Christ.
What age is creche?
Children under the age of three are typically in a daycare centre which many call a creche or playgroup in Nigeria, I’ve even heard it being called pre-nursery. “The naming convention does not matter much as long as we are guided. Nursery classes are often called Kindergarten in the United States and Australia.
What is right to stoppage?
The right of stoppage entitles the seller to resume possession of the goods, and retain them until payment of the purchase price, even if the documents of title or ownership have already been transferred to the buyer.
What is the meaning of the word stopped?
5 : to cease operating or functioning The engine just stopped. 6 : to close or block up or become closed or blocked up : plug I stopped my ears with cotton. The drain was stopped up. 7 : to take time Stop to think first.
What is the meaning of’come to a stop’?
2 : the act of bringing or coming to a halt : the state of being stopped The train came to a stop. 3 : a halt in a journey : stay We made a brief stop in the mountains. Love words? Need even more definitions?
What does stop mean in a telegram?
the word “stop” printed in the body of a telegram or cablegram to indicate a period. stops, (used with a singular verb) a family of card games whose object is to play all of one’s cards in a predetermined sequence before one’s opponents.
What does stop down mean in photography?
stop down, Photography. (on a camera) to reduce (the diaphragm opening of a lens). stop in, to make a brief, incidental visit: If you’re in town, be sure to stop in. stop off, to halt for a brief stay at some point on the way elsewhere: On the way to Rome we stopped off at Florence.