Does 556 do more damage than 762?

The injury caused by 5.56 mm bullet was more severe than that caused by 7.62 mm bullet. This is due to the difference in ballistic behavior between the two types of bullets. The wound caused by 5.56 mm bullet was characterized by a trumpet-shaped channel with large defect.

Is 7.62 good for long range?

What Is The Effective Range of 7.62×39? The consensus is that the 7.62×39 becomes ineffective for combat beyond 200 yards. A more generous estimate places the 7.62×39’s combat effectiveness at 400 yards. However, few would agree that the cartridge is suitable for hunting game as large as whitetail at that same range.

How far will a 7.62 round travel?

Although typically considered a range and self-defense round, the 7.62 consistently delivers 1,000 ft lbs energy at distances greater than 100 yards — enough to ethically kill whitetail.

How far can a 5.56 bullet travel?

According to theUS Army Technical Manual, the 556 cartridge has a 547-yard range for individual or point targets with a carbine (area target range is up to 650 yards). When used in a rifle, the individual or point targets range is up to 602 yards, and the area target is up to 875 yards.

Is 5.56 A good sniper round?

There are good reasons to run each, but for most shooters, the 5.56 round is the better choice for faraway targets.

What is the effective range of a 5.56 NATO round?

As previous studies concluded, a truly lethal maximum effective range for an M885, 5.56 mm NATO projectile is about 200 to 250 meters (218- 273 yards).

How far will a 5.56 bullet travel at 45 degrees?

about 5,000 ft.
45 caliber bullet can go about 5,000 ft. in distance with the same factors involved,” Robbie Paskiewicz said. A 9 mm bullet can travel even farther because it’s smaller.

Why is 7.62 So Popular?

However, because of the availability of commercial, semi-automatic AK47s as well as commercial AR15s chambered in the same caliber, the 7.62x39mm has remained a popular cartridge in the United States. A major factor has been the relatively low cost per round. It is also slightly less powerful than the .

Can 5.56 shoot 1000 yards?

You may only wish to hit a paper target. General consensus holds that the 5.56 can consistently group shots at 1,000 yards. This is assuming you’re using good ammo under ideal conditions – and also that you’re not some ham and egger who just picked up a rifle for the first time last week.

What round do snipers use?

At the present time, in both the Western world and within NATO, 7.62×51mm is currently the primary cartridge of choice for military and police sniper rifles.