What does Apags stand for?


Acronym Definition
APAGS American Psychological Association Graduate Students

How do I join a listserv?

How do I subscribe to (join) a list?

  1. Go to the LISTSERV Home page.
  2. Click on the listname or if the list is unlisted enter the listname in the Search field for Access Unlisted Lists.
  3. Click the.
  4. Click Subscribe or Unsubscribe.
  5. Enter your Name and Email Address.
  6. Click on the Subscribe (listname) button.

How do you join the listserv in APA?

APA has an electronic portal you can use to easily manage your APA-hosted Listserv preferences: the APA Listserv website….How to join additional Listservs.

  1. Log in under your preferred email account.
  2. Click on your desired Listserv from the alphabetically arranged list.
  3. A login box will appear.

What is the difference between a LISTSERV and a distribution list?

The real difference that I am aware of is that a fully implemented ListServ provides the end user the ability to opt in or out of the list via email. A DL is typically more centrally managed and the users request that an administrator add or remove them from a DL.

Are listservs free?

LISTSERV Lite Free Edition is a freeware version of LISTSERV Lite, limited to a maximum of 10 mailing lists with up to 500 subscribers each. It is available for users who want to run hobby or interest-based email lists and do not derive a profit, directly or indirectly, from using the software.

What is a listserve group?

At its simplest, a Listserv is a piece of software used to run a group email discussion list. In fact, LISTSERV is a trademarked name owned by L-Soft International, which coined term after building one of the first and most popular electronic mailing list programs.

How much does LISTSERV cost?

LISTSERV Pricing Overview LISTSERV pricing starts at $950.00 per user, per year. They do not have a free version. LISTSERV offers a free trial. See additional pricing details below.

How do you manage a LISTSERV?

Managing listserv owners

  1. On the left menu bar, click List Management, click List Configuration.
  2. Select the Listserv under Select List drop down.
  3. Click Administrators.
  4. In the Owner= field enter or remove email addresses.
  5. Once all desired owners have been added or removed click Update.