How do you get backpack skin gw2?

To pick up your free Wings of Love Backpack Skin, please visit any Black Lion Exchange Specialist and look for it under the Gliders tab. Enjoy!

How many legendary shards do you need for spirits?

If I would go for a Legendary, this would require me ~450 Spirit Shards / 64 = 7.05 × 750 = 5.287 Champion Bags.

How do I unlock legendary backpack ad infinitum?

To start this journey you need to go inside the Mistlock Observatory and talk with Kelvei. He will give you the item Theory of the Finite Result to unlock this first collection. Sold by BUY-2046 PFR in the Mistlock Observatory for 20 Pristine Fractal Relics.

How expensive is ad infinitum?

According to gw2efficiency, Ad Infinitum costs about 2k gold, and the Ascension about 1k.

How do I get the warbringer?

Source. The Warbringer items are sold by Asuur (Aldor) or Arodis Sunblade (Scryer) in Shattrath City. They are “purchased” with token loot items.

Where can I buy backpack gw2?


Item Vendor Zone
Guild Caretaker Backpack Yucel (Guild Back) Crystal Oasis
Guild Defender Backpack ACLM-0403 (Guild Back) Mistlock Sanctuary
Guild Defender Backpack Envoy Kahleem (Guild Back) Armistice Bastion
Guild Defender Backpack Guild Commendation Trader (Guild Back)

Can you dye the Wings of Love gw2?

Cannot be dyed. Bells sound in the air when deployed. Leaves a trail of hearts and pink contrails when gliding.

How do you farm spirit shards?

How to farm Spirit Shards in Guild Wars 2

  1. World Chests and Loot Bags. Since these shards are a late-game item, you’re expected to sort of know your way around the game world when hunting them.
  2. PvP Rewards. Completing the reward tracks in both small-scale PvP and WvW reward item chests.
  3. Events are Good too.

How long does ad infinitum take?

Takes 10 days to complete each of the four collections required to craft Ad Infinitum, as you can typically only earn three Fractal Research Pages per day through recommended fractal dailies.