What is another word for unilateral?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unilateral, like: one-sided, not reciprocal, concerned with one side, single, unipartite, coercive, bilateral, multilateral, unilaterally, signed by one of two factions and pre-emptive.

What does breast unilateral mean?

Having to do with one side of the body.

What is unilateral transaction?

A unilateral transfer is a one-way transfer of money, goods, or services from one party to another. It is often used to describe payments made by a government to their citizens, or from one country to another country in the form of foreign aid.

What is the unilateral meaning?

Definition of unilateral 1a : done or undertaken by one person or party. b : of, relating to, or affecting one side of a subject : one-sided. c : constituting or relating to a contract or engagement by which an express obligation to do or forbear is imposed on only one party.

What is opposite of unilaterally?

Opposite of concerned with one side. joint. multilateral. bilateral. many-sided.

What does it mean to have extremely dense breasts?

Your breasts are made up of fibrous tissue (or connective tissue), glandular tissue (the type of tissue that produces milk), and fatty tissue. If you’re told you have dense breasts, this means that you have more fibrous and glandular tissue and less fatty tissue than women who don’t have dense breasts.

Should you do a breast exam before your period?

The best time to do a monthly self-breast exam is about 3 to 5 days after your period starts. Do it at the same time every month. Your breasts are not as tender or lumpy at this time in your monthly cycle. If you have gone through menopause, do your exam on the same day every month.

What is not part of unilateral transfer?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Income earned from foreign investments is not considered a unilateral transfer. A unilateral transfer is a one-way transfer of money, goods, or services from one country to another. The prefix “uni” means one. In a unilateral transfer, one party is making a transfer to the other party.

What is bilateral transfer?

The possibility of transfer of a motor skill from one hand to the other, performing repetitive movements, is called bilateral transfer (BT) or cross-limb transfer.

What is bilateral and unilateral?

Contracts can be unilateral or bilateral. In a unilateral contract, only the offeror has an obligation. In a bilateral contract, both parties agree to an obligation. Typically, bilateral contracts involve equal obligation from the offeror and the offeree.