How do I get full articles from EBSCOhost?
How do I get full articles from EBSCOhost?
Finding Full-text
- On the search results page, you will see the full-text link right below each search result.
- On the article information page, you will see the full-text link at the top left corner of the page.
- When the article is available in the database, you will see a little icon for it.
What databases are in EBSCO?
Clinical Decisions Users
- DynaMed and Micromedex with Watson.
- DynaMed.
- DynaMed Decisions.
- Dynamic Health.
How do I find journal articles on EBSCOhost?
- OPEN THE EBSCO DATABASE. Open your browser and go to the EBSCO welcome page.
- SELECT A DATABASE. • A description of each database can be accessed by clicking on the more information tab.
What is an EBSCO article?
EBSCO provides free research databases covering a variety of subjects for students, researchers and librarians. Reseachers can also use EBSCO Essentials to search for free, reliable articles and connect to their library to access additional EBSCO content.
How do you search an article?
Top Ten Search Tips
- Use AND to combine keywords and phrases when searching the electronic databases for journal articles.
- Use truncation (an asterisk) and wildcards (usually a question mark or exclamation point).
- Find out if the database you’re using has a “subject search” option.
- Use your imagination.
What is the EBSCOhost website used for?
EBSCOhost is an intuitive online research platform used by thousands of institutions and millions of users worldwide. With quality databases and search features, EBSCOhost helps researchers of all kinds find the information they need fast.
How can I get full text articles for free?
Free full-text articles can be approached in the following ways.
- Medknow Publications.
- PubMed Central and PubMed.
- Directory of Open Access Journals.
- Electronic Resources in Medicine Consortium and National Medical Library.
- Google, Google Scholar, and Yahoo.
- The Cochrane Library.
- Public Library of Science.
- Free Medical Journals.
Where can I find scholarly articles?
Finding Scholarly Articles
- Look for publications from a professional organization.
- Use databases such as JSTOR that contain only scholarly sources.
- Use databases such as Academic Search Complete or other EBSCO databases that allow you to choose “peer-reviewed journals”.
Where can I find empirical articles on EBSCOhost?
Finding Empirical Research in EBSCO
- Use the “Advanced Search”
- Type your keywords into the search boxes.
- Under “More Search Options,” see “Document Type,” and choose “Reports: Research”
- Choose other limits, such as publication date, if needed.
- Click on the “Search” button.
What is the difference between EBSCO and EBSCOhost?
An EBSCO interface is a tool or “front end” that is used to search a selected database or multiple databases. For example, the EBSCOhost interface can be used to search various databases including MAS Ultra – School Edition and Middle Search Plus. Some databases can be searched with different interfaces.