What are the duties of the Florida Surplus Lines office?

In its quest to facilitate compliance, the FSLSO’s responsibilities include monitoring the activities and compliance standards of licensed surplus lines agents conducting business in Florida, as well as eligible surplus lines insurers.

What is a diligent effort form?

What is a Diligent Effort? Diligent effort means seeking coverage from and having been rejected by at least three admitted insurers currently writing the type of coverage documented in the rejections. The only exception is in the case of a residential structure that has a dwelling replacement cost of $700,000 or more.

What is the difference between surplus lines and admitted?

Regular insurance carriers also called standard or admitted carriers, must follow state regulations concerning how much they can charge and what risks they can and cannot cover. Surplus lines carriers do not have to follow these regulations, which allows them to take on higher risks.

What is the purpose of surplus lines insurance?

What is Surplus Lines. Often called the “safety valve” of the insurance industry, surplus lines insurers fill the need for coverage in the marketplace by insuring those risks that are declined by the standard underwriting and pricing processes of admitted insurance carriers.

How do you use the word diligent in a sentence?

Diligent sentence example

  1. He was diligent in the matter of temperature control.
  2. They were diligent in the performance of their duties.
  3. His range of reading was extensive, and he was a most diligent scholar and writer.

What type of insurance can be obtained through a surplus lines insurance?

Surplus lines insurance is a segment of the insurance market where an insured may obtain coverage from an unadmitted, out-of-state insurer for a risk that traditional or standard insurers are unable or unwilling to insure.

What does E & S mean in insurance?

Excess and Surplus Lines Insurance
Excess and Surplus Lines Insurance — or E&S insurance — was created for specialized and complex risks traditional insurance doesn’t cover. E&S can help wholesale insurance agents meet the challenge of serving customers who face these ever-evolving, hard-to-place risks.

What is a word for hard worker?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hardworking, like: diligent, dedicated, assiduous, industrious, sedulous, persevering, conscientious, untiring and tireless.

Is diligence a skill?

In every circumstance in which we undertake something, we experience outcomes.

What’s a diligent person?

Definition of diligent : characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort : painstaking a diligent worker.
