Is there free parking at GCU?
Is there free parking at GCU?
GCU Arena offers FREE parking in several locations on campus, including a multi-level parking garage adjacent to the Arena at the 33rd Avenue entrance, Building 7, and a new parking garage at 31st Avenue, Building 44.
Can you bring your car to GCU?
All students who bring a car onto campus are required to register their vehicle and secure the appropriate parking permit. For your convenience, parking permits may be purchased online at
Is there a dress code at GCU?
No clothing that has been altered to reveal suggestive parts of the body. No wallet chains, chains or any other clothing that can be used as a weapon(s). GCU and American Fields of Phoenix have the authority to determine what appropriate apparel is and reserves the right to modify the dress expectations as needed.
Does GCU allow alcohol?
Is GCU a dry campus? Grand Canyon University is a dry campus. The possession and consumption of alcohol while on campus is strictly prohibited among faculty, staff and students. Additionally, individuals cannot be under the influence of alcohol while on GCU’s campus.
Can you park overnight at Grand Canyon?
Re: Where Can I Park Overnight at Grand Canyon South Rim? Permits are for hiking and staying the night down in the canyon. If you are staying at a hotel on the rim,you do not need a permit, you just pay the $20 entrance fee at the gate when you enter the park.
Are visitors allowed on GCU campus?
Visitor Access: All visitors must check in at the entrance gates to campus, which are staffed by security personnel. The main gates are open 24/7 to vehicular and pedestrian traffic while all other gates close at 6 p.m. Text Alerts: Sign up for GCU’s text messaging system to receive campus emergency alerts.
Do GCU dorms come with a fridge?
Learn how to cook: Cooking some of your own meals will help save money and give you some healthier options to avoid the dreaded “Freshman 15.” While GCU’s freshman dorms do not have kitchens, you are allowed some appliances including a refrigerator and microwave.
Can you vape on GCU campus?
Since I am in my vehicle, will I be allowed to smoke? No. Smoking is not permitted on the GCU campus. This restriction includes electronic cigarettes.
What do GCU dorms come with?
desk chair
The dorms at GCU already come with a desk chair. A better investment might be in some chair cushions for your back since you might be spending a long time sitting. Grand Canyon University has been the gateway to success for countless scholars and industry leaders for over 65 years.
Is GCU bigger than liberty?
Liberty counted 109,921 students. But Liberty said it can share the title of largest Christian university with GCU through a different way of counting students. The department’s database for the 2015-16 school year shows Liberty’s full-time enrollment was 65,290 compared to GCU’s 63,350.
Can you carry a gun at GCU?
Firearms, ammunition and weapons of any kind are prohibited on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, firearms, BB guns, air soft guns, water balloon launchers, paint ball guns, blowguns, knives and fireworks.
Can I park my car at the Grand Canyon?
Parking is available in lots throughout Grand Canyon Village. Please avoid parking along the roadside except where signs or lines on the road indicate that it is permissible. RVs and vehicles with trailers should only park in designated areas. Large vehicles should NOT pull across multiple regular parking spaces.