What does PHTLS stand for?

NAEMT’s Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) is recognized around the world as the leading continuing education program for prehospital emergency trauma care.

How many CEUS is PHTLS?

16 hours
The PHTLS credential is good for 4 years and offers 16 hours for continuing education credit.

How long is PHTLS?

Online PHTLS Module: 8-hour online module that covers the didactic portion of the 16 hour provider course. Upon successful completion of the module, students receive a certificate of completion and 8 hours of CAPCE credit.

When was PHTLS created?

As a professor of surgery at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana, Dr. McSwain gained the University’s support in putting together the draft curriculum of what was to become Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS). With this draft in place, in 1983, a PHTLS committee was established.

What does ITLS stand for?


Acronym Definition
ITLS International Trade Logistics Software
ITLS International Trauma Life Support (Oakbrook Terrace, IL; formerly BTLS)
ITLS Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (Australia)
ITLS Information and Technology Literacy Standards (education)

What is the newest edition of Phtls?

PHTLS, Ninth Edition features: Current information on fluid resuscitation and spinal immobilization from evidence-based research and experienced prehospital care providers who apply the principles and practices of PHTLS in the field.

Is there a pretest for Phtls?

It is mandatory that participants review the textbook, complete the pre-test and be familiar with the PHTLS assessment and management criteria prior to the course. A pre-test score of 76% is required for this course. The pre-test will be collected at the beginning of the class.

How long is ITLS certification good for?

3 years
ITLS providers will receive a card and/or certificate from the ITLS chapter confirming that they have satisfactorily completed the course. Certification is good for 3 years or whatever length is deemed appropriate by the chapter.