What is the climate in Coonoor now?

Today’s temperature in Coonoor is 16°c. Day’s maximum temperature would hover at 22°c, while minimum temperature is predicted to be 14°c.

Which is the coldest month in Coonoor?

Though the temperature in Coonoor is more or less constant throughout the year, the months of November to February see the mercury dropping when the maximum temperature hovers around 17°C, while the lowest stays around 8°C. Out of these, December and January are the coldest months in Coonoor.

Which is the best season to visit Coonoor?

The best time to visit Coonoor is between the months of October to March. The summer season begins from March and remains till May. The temperature of the season ranges from 22°C to 37°C. The summer season grants the most arresting view of the place.

What is the climate today in Ooty?

Ooty Weather ForecastOoty Weather Forecast

Ooty Weather Today (1–3 days) Heavy rain (total 66mm), heaviest during Tue morning. Very mild (max 16°C on Mon afternoon, min 15°C on Tue night). Wind will be generally light.
°C Mon 16
High 16 16
Low 16 15
Chill°C 16 15

How do I get from Coimbatore to Coonoor?

The fastest way to reach from Coimbatore to Coonoor is cab to Coonoor and takes 2h 24m. The recommended way to reach from Coimbatore to Coonoor is cab to Coonoor and takes 2h 24m. Cabs from Waah Taxis, Gozo etc. Buses from Arasu Transports, NSB Tours etc.

How can I go to Coonoor from Chennai?

The fastest way to reach from Chennai to Coonoor is flight to Coimbatore International Airport, then cab to Coonoor and takes 4h 29m. The recommended way to reach from Chennai to Coonoor is bus to Coimbatore, then cab to Coonoor and takes 10h 54m. Buses from SRS Travels , Alpha Travels, Texcity services etc.

Does Coonoor have airport?

The nearest airport to Coonnor is Coimbatore International Airport which has direct flights to Bangalore, Mumbai, Singapore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Sharjah and New Delhi. From the airport, buses and cabs are available to Coonoor.

How far is Coonoor from Ooty?

21 Kms
Distance Between Ooty to Coonoor

Distance between Ooty to Coonoor by Road is 21 Kms
Distance between Ooty to Coonoor by Flight is 13 Kms
Travel Time from Ooty to Coonoor by Road is 0:37 hrs
Nearest Airport in Ooty Coimbatore International Airport (11.41, 76.69)

Can we go Ooty now?

You still need an E-Pass to travel to Ooty and only a limited number of passes are being issued to control the crowds at the hill stations and the various parks and view points.

Which is better Ooty or Coonoor?

Ooty is the most well recognized hill station of Tamil Nadu and is easily accessible from TN as well as Karnataka – hence gets overcrowded. Between the two, Coonoor is a better bet. Kodai is better than either within TN. If you must have a commercialised busier place, Ooty.