What conjunctions should YEAR 2 be using?
What conjunctions should YEAR 2 be using?
In Year 2, children are encouraged to use co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions (although the children would not be expected to use these terms). They are taught to subordinate using the conjunctions when, if, that, because. They are also taught to co-ordinate using the conjunctions and, or, but.
What are conjunctions Year 5?
A conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. They can be one word or a few words.
What are connectives Year 3?
A connective is a word or a short phrase that combines one part of a text to another, There are many types of connectives such as conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs.
What are connectives Year 1?
What are simple connectives KS1? A connective (also known as a joining word) is a word or phrase that links clauses or sentences. Connectives can be conjunctions (when, but, because) or connecting adverbs (however, then, therefore).
What are causal conjunctions BBC Bitesize?
Causal conjunctions are used to explain how things work or why things happen. I got soaking wet in the rain because I didn’t have my umbrella with me. I didn’t have breakfast today, so I am really hungry now! I am about to walk the dog hence my casual clothes and wellingtons.
What are subordinating conjunctions Year 2?
A subordinating conjunction introduces a subordinate clause (a clause that does not make sense on its own), for example: We can’t go to the shop because it’s closed. I can’t go swimming today although I’d love to. I will go out to play if it stops raining.
How do you teach kids conjunctions?
Some steps to consider in your instruction include:
- Make a list of simple sentences (independent clauses) on the board.
- Reference FANBOYS in a whole-class discussion.
- Have small groups, pairs or independent students try the rest of the sentences along with the conjunctions.
What are causal connectives?
What are causal connectives? Connectives are words that join two parts of text together. Causal connectives are used to describe cause and effect, for example: I couldn’t complete the task because I ran out of time. I had to put a jacket on now that it’s raining.
What are causal conjunctions ks2?