Is DayZ the same as ARMA?

DayZ is a multiplayer open world survival third-person shooter modification designed by Dean Hall for the 2009 tactical shooter video game ARMA 2 and its 2010 expansion pack, ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead.

How do I find Arma servers?


  1. Get teamspeak installed (free voice comms app, you will need it if you intend playing arma a lot)
  2. Look through the server browser and get used to the filters in there.
  3. Filter by “Mission” (This will give you an idea of the different type of missions the various servers are running)

Does DayZ run better than Arma 3?

DayZ’s optimization is not better than Arma 3’s. Not by a long shot. DayZ has gotten better with it’s latest engine upgrade, but it still runs poorly in a lot of situations. It also does not have complicatedly scripted missions and mods like Arma 3 has.

Is arma 3 and DayZ the same?

You can play arma 3 and the mod is similar to dayz anyway. Same as arma 2 operations, free dayz mod, that has more guns, and vehicles. Id go for all the above though. Also check out miscreated, looks promising and also a dayz look alike, just with mutants instead of zombies.

What is the difference between DayZ and arma 3?

The only mods for Arma 3 that are close to dayz is Exile or Breaking Point, Dayz Standalone is it’s own game and you can buy it on Steam. Dayz Standalone is being actively developed, but that being said if your not interested in helping with the development of it I would stay away until atleast Beta.

How do I join an ARMA server?

How to Connect to Your Arma Virtual Private Server

  1. Launch your Arma 3.
  2. Select “Servers” in Arma 3.
  3. Click on “Direct Connect” at the bottom.
  4. Enter the IP and port, and press connect.

Where are Arma 3 servers located?

8 Best Arma 3 Server Hosting Providers in 2022 [Updated]

  • HostHavoc.
  • Survival Servers.
  • GTXGaming.
  • ArmaHosts.
  • Nitrous Networks.
  • LogicServers.
  • GPortal.
  • Nodecraft.