How do you get a fleet ship module?

The three methods of acquisition are:

  1. Directly from the C-store (costs Zen)
  2. From the Exchange (players put up their own modules for EC)
  3. Random (low-chance) drop from certain C-store DOFF packs.

What are ship modules?

Modules in World of Warships are used to represent and assign performance characteristics to key components of a ship: engines, steering gear, anti-aircraft guns, torpedo tubes, main battery guns, and so on. Each module aboard ship has three possible states: functioning, damaged, or destroyed.

How do you get fleet credits in STO?

Earning. Fleet members earn Fleet Credits by contributing to projects for their starbase. The amount a player receives depends on the type and quantity of contribution (see table). The Fleet Credits earned remain with a player, even after leaving and/or joining another fleet.

Where do I buy Fleet ships STO?

Fleet Ship Modules are available in the C-Store. These modules are required to purchase certain Fleet Ships in both the Klingon Empire and Starfleet factions.

Where can I spend fleet marks?

Spending. Fleet Marks are spendable through contributing to Fleet Starbase Projects. These are accessed through the Fleet Menu and are listed under Holdings.

How do you get ship upgrade modules?

Nowadays, most ship upgrade modules can be obtained from objectives. You might require a Battle Pass to unlock some of them. They can also be crafted during certain events via Assembly.

How do you get fleet marks?

There are several means through which Fleet Marks are earned.

  1. PvE Queue-events. There are several Player vs Environment (PvE) group missions that allow players to earn Fleet Marks.
  2. Fleet action dailies.
  3. Borg Invasion of Defera.
  4. PvP Dailies.
  5. Other Missions.
  6. Items.
  7. File Commendation Report.

How do I get Starbase in XP?

The starbase and its departments progress through the tiers by gaining XP in these categories. This is achieved by completing fleet projects requiring large amounts of various resources which can be contributed by all members of a fleet. Completing one department tier grants 1,000 XP for the parent holding.

How do you convert Dilithium to Zen?

Transfer may be accomplished with a 2 step process:

  1. The character sending Refined Dilithium needs to create a “Buy ZEN” order for a low price that is below the current prevailing exchange rate.
  2. The character receiving then needs to log in, cancel the existing “Buy ZEN” order and Withdraw.