Can you use natural gas in a fuel cell?

Fuel cells are the most energy efficient devices for extracting power from fuels. Capable of running on a variety of fuels, including hydrogen, natural gas, and biogas, fuel cells can provide clean power for applications ranging from less than a watt to multiple megawatts.

How efficient is an electrolyzer?

Commercial Electrolysis Systems For these systems, the water-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies range from 80% – 95% and hydrogen purities range from 99.8% – 99.9998%.

How do you generate power with natural gas?

Gas is a fossil fuel which can be used to generate electricity. By burning gas, we create heat which powers a turbine. The rotation of this turbine spins a generator which creates electricity.

How efficient are natural gas fuel cells?

Efficient Technology: According to the Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association, fuel cells are highly efficient, with fuel-to-electricity efficiency at 60 percent — almost double that of the electric grid. Plus if the fuel cell’s heat byproduct is harnessed, its efficiency can reach 90 percent or more.

Do natural gas fuel cells produce CO2?

Natural-gas-fired generators emit 1,135 pounds of CO2 per megawatt-hour. Coal-fired generators emit 2,249 pounds of CO2 per megawatt-hour. Oil-fired generators emit 1,672 pounds of CO2 per megawatt-hour.

How much does an electrolyzer cost?

Price strategy A 2018 study by Fraunhofer ISE and IPA estimated the investment costs for a PEM electrolyzer that produces one standard cubic meter of hydrogen in one hour at around $7,600.

How many kW does it take to produce 1kg of hydrogen?

How much electricity is needed to make hydrogen? A completely efficient electrolysis system would require 39 kWh of electricity to produce 1 kg of hydrogen.

How much electricity does a natural gas power plant produce?

The annual average number of kWh generated per amount of coal, natural gas, and petroleum fuels consumed for electricity generation by U.S. electric utilities and independent power producers in 2021 were: Coal–0.90 kWh/pound. Natural gas–0.14 kWh/cubic foot. Petroleum liquids–12.86 kWh/gallon.

How efficient is a natural gas power plant?

A gas-fired plant was about 42% efficient. And in natural gas combined-cycle power plants—in which waste heat from a natural gas turbine is used to power a steam turbine—generation may be as much as 60% efficient.