What does Csad stand for?


Acronym Definition
CSAD Cervical Screening Administration Department
CSAD Central Softball Association of the Deaf
CSAD Customs Declaration Processing Module
CSAD chip-scale atomic device

What do the letters in Navy stand for?

NAVY. Nautical Army of Volunteer Yeomen. Governmental » Military.

What is sad in the military?

The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a special division of military operatives that work under the supervision of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

What does USNR stand for?

United States Naval Reserve
United States Naval Reserve.

What is an Omega team?

OMEGA is a Joint CIA-JSOC unit of “Hunter/Killer Teams.” It’s essentially a combination of the best of the best in military operations and intelligence, with the CIA providing targeting intelligence, and JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) providing Special Ops soldiers to do the heavy lifting.

When did tar become FTS?

The TAR (now FTS) community was established in 1952 as part of the Armed Forces Reserve Act. A 1976 study recommended that the TAR Program be eliminated, but a 1977 DOD report found the TAR Program to be effective and recommended its retention.

What Echelon is a Navy squadron?

Since 31 July 2015, the squadron has been assigned to Commander, Maritime Support Wing, an Echelon IV organization under the Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve.

What rank are Navy SEALs?

The majority of Navy SEALs (about 2,000) are Navy Enlisted personnel (E-4 to E-9). They are led by roughly 500 SEAL Officers (O-1 to O-10). There is also a small number of SEAL Warrant Officers (circa 30) who rank as officers above the senior-most Enlisted but lower than an Officer (O-1).