What is above the line and below the line promotion?

ATL includes media such as radio, TV, print media such as newspaper and magazines, and billboards. Below the line advertising – In contrast to ATL, below the line advertising is directed to reach a small, targeted audience.

What is the difference between above the line and below the line strategies?

Below-the-line advertising campaigns include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, and targeted search engine marketing. Above-the-line methods are ideal for general brand awareness, while below-the-line tactics are preferable for fostering direct relationships with potential customers.

What are above the line promotional strategies?

Above the line marketing techniques target the masses in hopes of reaching the widest possible pool of potential customers. Common techniques include billboards, radio ads, tv commercials, and print ads. ATL promotions are attention-grabbing and build brand awareness.

What are BTL activities in marketing?

BTL activities include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, brand promotion activities, telemarketing, free sampling, exhibitions and targeted search engine marketing. BTL activities are more interactive and give the opportunity to brands and consumers to connect on a personal level.

What is ATL BTL and TTL marketing?

Marketing activities (basically advertisements) today can be divided into three segments – Above the Line (ATL), Below the Line (BTL), & Through the Line (TTL) marketing.

Is digital advertising ATL or BTL?

THROUGH THE LINE ADVERTISING An example of TTL advertising is digital marketing strategies that offer ATL advertising benefits while acting as BTL communication to the customers.

What are below the line promotions?

Below-the-line promotion is the use of promotional methods that can be controlled by the company selling the goods or service, such as in-store offers and direct selling. Compare above-the-line promotion.

What is above the line promotion examples?

ABOVE THE LINE ADVERTISING (ATL) Examples of ATL advertising include those that run on the following mediums: Television, Radio, Print (magazines & newspapers), etc. 1) Wide Reach: ATL mediums have an insanely wide reach. For example, a 30-second ad space during the 2018 Superbowl final costs $5 million.

What is ATL BTL and TTL in marketing?