Is brown phlegm an emergency?
Is brown phlegm an emergency?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease happens when your lungs get so swollen over time that air can’t flow freely. Cigarette smoke is usually the reason. You might cough, wheeze, and have trouble breathing. If your mucus turns brown, yellow, or green, it can be an early warning sign of a flare-up.
What infections cause brown mucus?
Read below for more information on causes and how to treat coughing up brown or black mucus.
- 7 most common causes. Bronchitis. Pneumonia. Lung Abscess.
- 9 coughing up brown-black mucus conditions. This list does not constitute medical advice and may not accurately represent what you have. Dark mucus cough quiz.
Does brown phlegm mean pneumonia?
Common symptoms of pneumonia include: a cough – which may be dry, or produce thick yellow, green, brown or blood-stained mucus (phlegm) difficulty breathing – your breathing may be rapid and shallow, and you may feel breathless, even when resting.
What does brown phlegm indicate?
Brown Phlegm The phlegm is brown because of blood and the intense chronic inflammation that comes with the chronic disease state. The bacteria camp out inside the lungs and cause very gradual changes in the consistency and appearance of phlegm. If you have chronic lung disease, you may be used to seeing brown phlegm.
What does brown Flem mean?
The color brown often means old blood. You may see this color after your phlegm appears red or pink. Brown phlegm is commonly caused by: Bacterial pneumonia. This form of pneumonia can produce phlegm that is green-brown or rust-colored.
What does brown sputum mean?
Why is my mucus brown and thick?
While brown mucus is sometimes caused by dried blood or dirt in the nasal passage, it can also be an indicator of bronchitis, which happens when the tubes that carry air to your lungs become inflamed. If you cough up brown mucus or phlegm, contact your physician immediately.
What does brown phlegm mean?
What color is pneumonia sputum?
With pneumonia, you may cough up phlegm that is yellow, green, or sometimes bloody.