What is ABA triblock copolymer?
What is ABA triblock copolymer?
ABA triblock copolymers can be designed to exhibit rapid swelling upon contact with water, forming a physically cross-linked, biodegradable hydrogel.
What are diblock copolymers?
A diblock copolymer is a polymer consisting of two types of monomers, A and B. The monomers are arranged such that there is a chain of each monomer, and those two chains are grafted together to form a single copolymer chain.
What is self assembly of block copolymers?
BCP is a type of copolymer with two or more chemically distinct homopolymer blocks that are connected by a covalent bond. The simplest BCPs are linear A-b-B diblock copolymers, in which block A and block B denote two different homopolymers that are joined together via a covalent bond.
What is block copolymer example?
Block copolymers are made up of blocks of different polymerized monomers. For example, polystyrene-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) or PS-b-PMMA (where b = block) is usually made by first polymerizing styrene, and then subsequently polymerizing methyl methacrylate (MMA) from the reactive end of the polystyrene chains.
What is co polymerization reaction?
The process in which a copolymer is formed from multiple species of monomers is known as copolymerization. It is often used to improve or modify certain properties of plastics. A homopolymer is a polymer that is made up of only one type of monomer unit.
What is co polymerization give an example?
The process of forming polymers from two or more different monomeric units is called copolymerization. Multiple units of each monomer are present in a copolymer. The process of forming polymer Buna-S from 1, 3-butadiene and styrene is an example of copolymerization.
How are block copolymers formed?
Block copolymers are normally prepared by controlled polymerization of one monomer, followed by chain extension with a different monomer(1) to form AB or ABC block copolymers.
What is the general structure of an alternating copolymer?
An alternating copolymer is a copolymer comprising two species of monomeric units distributed in alternating sequence. The arrangement -ABABABAB- or (AB)n thus represents an alternating copolymer.
What is co polymerization explain with example?
The process of forming polymers from two or more different monomeric units is called copolymerization. Multiple units of each monomer are present in a copolymer. The process of forming polymer Buna−S from 1, 3-butadiene and styrene is an example of copolymerization.
What are homopolymers and copolymers?
If a polymer consists of only one kind of monomers then it is called a homopolymer, while a polymer which consists of more than one kind of monomers is called a copolymer.