What is bold and italic in computer?

Italic is a style of font that slants the letters evenly to the right. For example, this sentence is italicized. When a font is installed on a computer, there usually is an italic version. For example, with Verdana font, there is a “Verdana Regular,” “Verdana Bold,” “Verdana Bold Italic,” and “Verdana Italic” font.

How do you bold words on a computer?

To make text bold, select and highlight the text first. Then hold down Ctrl (the control key) on the keyboard and press B on the keyboard.

What is bold used for?

Bold or strong Bold is used to highlight the text and capture the readers’ attention. The bold tag is used for strong emphasis. When you feel like emphasizing something, you need to first consider using the italics, only use bold text if you are not satisfied by the emphasis the italics did to your text.

What is bold example?

Bold is defined as free in behavior, or prominent. A person who is not afraid to speak up for what he believes, even to people with more power than him, is an example of someone who is bold. A child who is too confident and arrogant as a result of being spoiled is an example of a child who is overly bold.

What is bold italic and underline?

Bold, Italic and Underline Commands in MS Word Bold: It allows you to Bold the text of your document. Italic: It allows you to Italicize the text of your document. Underline: It allows you to underline the text of your document.

Where is bold in MS Word?

Make text bold . Click Bold. in the Font group on the Home tab. Type the keyboard shortcut: CTRL+B.

Where is bold on the keyboard?

in the Font group on the Home tab. Type the keyboard shortcut: CTRL+B.

What does a bold word mean?

Updated: 02/07/2022 by Computer Hope. Bold, bold face, or bold font creates the appearance of darker text by applying a thicker stroke weight to the letters. Using bold text in a body paragraph helps emphasize a remark or comment. For example, this is bold text.

What is the meaning of bold print?

noun. type or print that has thick, heavy lines, used for emphasis, headings, etc. adjective. typeset or printed in boldface.

What is bold writing?

Bold is a heavy kind of writing. The characters are thicker than normal, as you see here: This sentence is in normal type.

Is bold a bad word?

Bold, brazen, forward, presumptuous may refer to manners in a derogatory way. Bold suggests impudence, shamelessness, and immodesty: a bold stare. Brazen suggests the same, together with a defiant manner: a brazen liar.

What does bold words mean?

Bold type is usually used to emphasize something strongly in writing. Definitions of bold. adjective. fearless and daring.