What should I read if I like Bukowski?

However, there are some other writers for readers to explore: Nelson Algren, William Burroughs, Harry Crews, James Ellroy, John Fante, Jean Genet, Jim Harrison, Bohumil Hrabal, James Jones, Danilo Kiš, Cormac McCarthy, Norman Mailer, Henry Miller, Hunter S. Thompson, Jim Thompson, Andrew Vachss.

What is Bukowski famous for?

Charles Bukowski, in full Henry Charles Bukowski, Jr., (born August 16, 1920, Andernach, Germany—died March 9, 1994, San Pedro, California, U.S.), American author noted for his use of violent images and graphic language in poetry and fiction that depict survival in a corrupt, blighted society.

Is Bukowski pretentious?

Bukowski is pretentious in the most American confusing way: he is pretentious about not being pretentious. His saying always seems to be something like, “All those literary types are soooo pretentious, I’m not. I’m writing from the gut.” If it’s true it’s an ugly gut; mostly boring.

What writers did Bukowski like?

Writers including John Fante, Knut Hamsun, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Ernest Hemingway, Robinson Jeffers, Henry Miller, D. H. Lawrence, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Du Fu Li Bai and James Thurber are noted as influences on Bukowski’s writing. Bukowski often spoke of Los Angeles as his favorite subject.

Which Bukowski book should I read first?

Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame: Selected Poems 1955-1973 (1974) When it comes to Bukowski’s poetry, the writer’s first, great anthology collection is without doubt the place to start.

Is Charles Bukowski a womanizer?

It’s no news that Charles Bukowski was a one-of-a-kind writer: womanizer, boozer, Dirty Old Man, two-bit ignorant who couldn’t tell Hercules from Hitler, bar-room brawler, Shakespeare of the sewers, and many more not-so-flattering myth-making depictions are still making the rounds—admittedly, some of them were self- …

Is Charles Bukowski cynical?

A few critics and commentators also supported the idea that Bukowski was a cynic, as a man and a writer. Bukowski denied being a cynic, stating: “I’ve always been accused of being a cynic. I think cynicism is sour grapes. I think cynicism is a weakness.”

Is Charles Bukowski a great poet?

despite his hardcore fan base, and sales that would make most poets extremely happy. In fact the common accusation is not that Bukowski isn’t a good poet, but that his work is barely even poetry at all.

What is dark realism?

Dark Realism or Duisterism is a term to define a Brunanter literary movement, which flourshed during the second half of the 20th-century. The writers of dark realism focused on tenebrous and often macabre subjects, including death, madness and torture.