What should I set my HRV at?

As a general rule of thumb, you should set your system’s dehumidistat to 25 percent to 50 percent depending on the temperature to keep condensation at bay. For instance, 50 percent is the maximum relative humidity you should have if the outdoor temperature is between -11 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius.

What is the most efficient HRV?

In fact, compared to all other strictly HRV systems listed, Zehnder holds the top two scores for Sensible Recovery Efficiency, and has the most potential for energy bill savings. When you bring in the airflow per watt measurement (CFM/W) , Zehnder solidifies its place at the top of the charts.

Should HRV be on in winter?

In winter, set the dehumidistat just low enough to prevent condensation on windows. Do not shut off or unplug your HRV. This can result in high humidity levels, which can lead to mould and mildew growth and unhealthy living conditions.

Should I leave my HRV on all the time?

To ensure that you home is well-ventilated and maintains good air quality, your HRV and ERV should run continuously. Many HRV fans can operate at low, medium, or high speeds depending on the ventilation requirements.

Does HRV heat your house?

The HRV is not a heater or a heat pump. It does not generate heat.

How much should I run my HRV?

We recommend setting your HRV system to “minimum” or “vent.” You can also program them to run intermittently or on what’s known as a “20/40” option, which means the HRV system will run for 20 minutes of every hour to ensure you have a constant flow of fresh air in your home.

What size HRV do I need?

ERVs/HRVs are typically sized to ventilate the whole house at a minimum of . 35 air changes per hour. To calculate minimum CFM requirements, simply take the square footage of the house (including basement) and multiply by the height of the ceiling to get cubic volume. Then, divide by 60 and multiply by .

What should my HRV be set at in the winter?

One of the added benefits of the VanEE ERV that we supply to our customers is the Platinum control. If you are using an HRV, then a good rule of thumb would be to set the winter time humidity level to 30% and then monitor your moisture levels.

Do I need to run HRV in summer?

The damp-feeling air and moisture on the windows in the summer months is proof that running the HRV unit at this time of year is detrimental. Air conditioning will significantly remove large amounts of moisture through its condensate drain system and help dry the inside air, so it should be used more often.