What does a 92G do in the army?

The food service specialist is primarily responsible for the preparation and service of food in field or garrison food service operations. Job training for a food service specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and eight weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instructions.

What rank is a 92G?

Army Food Service Specialist (MOS 92G) Skills & Competencies.

What branch is a 92G?

Army Culinary Specialist (MOS 92G): Career Details. Working as the Army Culinary Specialist (MOS 92G) allows you to show your skills in the kitchen. These specialists are responsible for preparing and cooking food in the field or garrison.

Can a cook be a sergeant?

Military cooks in the grade of Sergeant and above may apply to attend the Advanced Culinary Skills Training Course.

Is the Army getting rid of 92G?

The U.S. Army Reserve will activate its first-ever field feeding company Oct. 16, 2020, with one year to become fully integrated. The activation signifies yet another push of moving culinary specialists (92G) from dining facilities to a more battlefield oriented environment.

What do Marines call the kitchen?

FMF: Fleet Marine Force. FRONT LEANING REST POSITION: Pushup position (“the Position”). GALLEY: Kitchen.

What is a military chef called?

culinary specialist
A military cook, also known as a culinary specialist or military chef, is a member of the United States Armed Forces whose responsibilities focus on preparing food for other military members, either in the field or on military bases.

What is the longest MOS training?

Advanced Individual Training, or AIT, is where new soldiers receive specific training in their chosen MOS. The length of AIT training varies depending on the MOS and can last anywhere from three weeks to nearly two years. The current longest AIT training lasts 84 weeks (1-year and 8 months).

What is a 71 Lima military?

U.S. Army MOS 71L Administrative Specialist.