How do you test for multidirectional instability?
How do you test for multidirectional instability?
The drawer test. The examiner pushes the humeral head against the glenoid fossa and then moves it anteriorly and posteriorly. The test is positive if there is anterior displacement of the joint. The sulcus test is a very important maneuver for evaluating the possibility of multidirectional instability.
Which test is used for testing glenohumeral joint instability?
Purpose. The Sulcus Test is used to assess the glenohumeral joint for inferior instability, due to laxity of the superior glenohumeral ligament and coracohumeral ligament.
What is multidirectional instability?
Multidirectional instability is characterized as an imbalance between shoulder mobility and stability. The glenoid, glenoid labrum complex, glenohumeral ligaments as well as the negative pressure created within the congruent joint, all play roles as static stabilizers.
What special tests assess anterior instability?
Anterior Instability – Throwing Test – Pt. executes a throwing motion against the examiners resistance. Anterior subluxation may occur. – Dynamic Anterior Jerk Test – The test combines of a compression force and a translation force, applied along the arm between the humeral head and the glenoid cavity.
How do you treat multidirectional instability?
The treatment for MDI must be individualized for each patient. Most patients with MDI can be treated non-operatively with a physical therapy program that emphasizes muscular rehabilitation. Rehabilitation focuses on strengthening the rotator cuff muscles and periscapular muscles (those around the scapula).
How do you perform Hawkins Kennedy test?
The Hawkins Kennedy test is used to assess shoulder impingement. In this test the clinician stabilizes the shoulder with one hand and, with the patient’s elbow flexed at 90 degrees, internally rotates the shoulder using the other hand. Shoulder pain elicited by internal rotation represents a positive test.
Does MRI show shoulder instability?
MRI is the ultimate tool in assessing shoulder instability. Direct MR arthrography is the standard of care for assessment of shoulder instability in patients younger than 40 years.