What are fruit locules?

Locules are the cavity part of the fruit that is surrounded by the pericarp. The seeds are located inside the locular cavities and enclosed in gelatinous membranes.

Is an apple a monocot or dicot?

The apple is a dicot, meaning it has two cotyledons or seed leaves. Some flowering plants are monocots and have only one seed leaf or cotyledon. Corn is a monocot.

What are locules in plants?

a small compartment or chamber, as the pollen-containing cavity within an anther.

What is the exocarp of an apple?

In drupes, the pericarp is made up of the endocarp (outer shell of the pit), mesocarp (juicy flesh), and exocarp (outer skin). Apples are a type of fruit called a pome.

What are locules in biology 12?

A locule (plural locules) or loculus (plural loculi) (meaning “little place” in Latin) is a small cavity or compartment within an organ or part of an organism (animal, plant, or fungus).

Why are apple trees dicots?

Why Are Fruit Trees Considered Dicots? Scientists deem all fruit trees dicots because they have ringed vascularization patterns (growth rings), two embryonic leaves, and root systems with a central taproot.

How do you tell an apple is a dicot?

If you crack open an apple seed, you will discover that it splits neatly into two separate halves, each having a tiny embryonic leaf. That is the defining feature of a dicot; having more than one seed leaf.

What does the term loculi mean?

a small chamber or cavity
: a small chamber or cavity especially in a plant or animal body.

What is the function of exocarp?

The exocarp is the outer most layer that forms the skin of the fruit. Each layer plays a different role in either protection or dispersal.

What are locules Class 11?

Locule is a chamber present within the fruit. On the basis of number of locules present in the ovary and fruit, it can be classified as unilocular, bi-locular, trilocular or multilocular. Number of carpels in gynoecium is equal to or less than the number of carpels.