What does the Gytrash represent in Jane Eyre?

Holloway describes the Gytrash as: “An evil spirit; a ghost.” Jane Eyre believes she has encountered a Gytrash.

What dog is pilot Jane Eyre?

Pilot. Pilot is Mr Rochester’s dog, “a great dog, whose black and white colour made him a distinct object against the trees.” He is later identified as a Newfoundland breed. Although large, he is friendly and devoted to Rochester.

What type of dog is pilot?

The title character in Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 novel Jane Eyre initially mistakes first Mr Rochester’s black and white Newfoundland dog Pilot and then his black horse Mesrour for a Gytrash. Illustration by F. H.

What is the dog’s name in Jane Eyre?

Helen the dog and Jane’s friend were similar in many ways and we know that an adult Jane would have loved Helen the dog.

How do you pronounce Gytrash?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Gytrash. Gy-trash.
  2. Meanings for Gytrash.
  3. Examples of in a sentence.

How old is Adele in Jane Eyre?

The text specifies that Adèle is no older than ten and possibly as young as eight when Jane first meets her.

What language does St John want Jane to learn?

One day, he asks Jane to give up her study of German and instead to learn “Hindustani” with him—the language he is learning to prepare for missionary work in India. As time goes by, St.

What is the significance of Grace Poole in Jane Eyre?

Grace’s main function in the novel is as a red herring, a piece of misdirection. If this were The Wizard of Oz, Grace would be the giant head of the wizard, and Bertha would be the man behind the curtain.

What is a Shagfoal?

The Shagfoal is a demonic and malevolent beast said to haunt the dark country lanes of northern England, awaiting unsuspecting travellers. It is described as a large black skeletal dog, with a vicious snarling mouth.

What does Mr Rochester look like?

He is described as having black hair, a “decisive nose”, a “colourless, olive face, square, massive brow, broad and jetty eyebrows, deep eyes, strong features,” and a “firm, grim mouth”. In the novel, Jane often compares him to a wild bird, such as an eagle, falcon and cormorant.

Was Adèle Mr Rochester’s child?

Adèle is Mr. Rochester’s ward and the daughter of Céline Varens. Céline was Rochester’s mistress during his time in France, but Rochester cut her off after discovering Céline cheating with another man. Céline claims Adèle is his daughter, but the truth of his paternity remains ambiguous.