What is the seed for an abandoned mineshaft?

#1 – 9067. In this seed, players will spawn in the middle of a Jungle Hills biome, where they can collect as much wood as they need to prepare themselves to venture into an abandoned mineshaft. An abandoned mineshaft can be found not too far from spawn, at coordinates -16, -96.

What seed in Minecraft has a mineshaft?

Abandoned Mineshaft Seed #1 This Minecraft seed spawns you on an island in the Old Growth Birch Forest biome filled with lots of tall birch trees. Directly below you, there is a Geode at coordinates (-161,9,485). If you travel NE to the nearby Ocean biome, there is an Abandoned Mineshaft at coordinates (-97,26,386).

Where do abandoned mineshafts spawn?

Badland biomes are the best place for finding abandoned mineshafts in Minecraft. In these biomes, mineshafts generate on the surface level. Players can discover rail tracks, minecarts with chests, and spider spawners generating outside. Exploring the badland biome is the easiest way to find mineshaft.

Are there mine shafts in Minecraft Xbox 360?

About a Mineshaft Items such as diamonds, wood, and rails are rare to find in chests. On occasion abandoned mine shafts can connect to strongholds and dungeons. Abandoned Mineshafts are a greatly generated structure. Beginners should try and find an Abandoned Mine Shaft in underground ravines.

What level do abandoned mineshafts spawn?

Badlands biomes spawn mineshafts at surface level, which means they can be spotted from afar when walking around. Typically, cobwebs and wooden structures are tell-tale signs of an abandoned mineshaft. The badlands versions also have more gold ore in them.

What is the command to find a mineshaft in Minecraft?

You can then use the /tp command to teleport there instantly!…Structures in 1.11 and 1.12.

structure Description
Mansion Nearest Woodland Mansion
Mineshaft Nearest Abandoned Mineshaft
Monument Nearest Ocean Monument