How do you use lookup tables in Excel?

  1. In the Formula Bar, type =VLOOKUP().
  2. In the parentheses, enter your lookup value, followed by a comma.
  3. Enter your table array or lookup table, the range of data you want to search, and a comma: (H2,B3:F25,
  4. Enter column index number.
  5. Enter the range lookup value, either TRUE or FALSE.

How do I make a lookup table?


  1. Click Product Manager > Lookup Tables > Lookup Table Console.
  2. Click the new icon.
  3. From the Select Type drop-down list, select Single String Key and click Select.
  4. Select the lookup table spec to use.
  5. Provide a name and other required details for the lookup table.
  6. Click Next.

How do lookup tables work?

A lookup table is an array of data that maps input values to output values, thereby approximating a mathematical function. Given a set of input values, a lookup operation retrieves the corresponding output values from the table.

What is look up table example?

In data analysis applications, such as image processing, a lookup table (LUT) is used to transform the input data into a more desirable output format. For example, a grayscale picture of the planet Saturn will be transformed into a color image to emphasize the differences in its rings.

What is a benefit of using a lookup table?

The primary advantage of lookup tables is their speed. Simply getting a number from a list is much faster than calculating the number with an algorithm or using a trigonometric function. The primary disadvantage of lookup tables is their memory usage.

What are the different lookup functions in Excel?

7 Types of Lookup in Excel

  • LOOKUP Function in Excel.
  • HLOOKUP Function.
  • Excel VLOOKUP Function.
  • Excel XLOOKUP Function.
  • OFFSET and MATCH Functions to Lookup Data.
  • INDEX and MATCH Functions Lookup.
  • Excel XMATCH Function to LOOKUP.