What bands have groupies?

Legendary acts such as Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, David Bowie, and more all experienced the phenomenon of the groupie movement.

Do bands still have groupies?

Groupies are still a thing. It’s not like back in the day…they obviously have different intentions and motives now, usually, especially toward famous people. a lot of famous musicians, athletes, and other public figures pay for sex with escorts, porn stars, Instagram models, etc.

Are there modern day groupies?

The term “groupie” is still used today, but it seems to mean something different than it used to. In line with Des Barres’s definition, every fan of the modern age is already at that “next step,” looking deeper into the music than we ever could before.

What band had the most girls?

Groups with claimed total record sales of more than 20 million

Artist Country of origin Claimed sales
The Pussycat Dolls United States over 55 million
Bananarama United Kingdom over 40 million
The Pointer Sisters United States over 40 million
Girls’ Generation South Korea 34.4 million

How do I become a groupie?

So, let’s look at five ways you can be a groupie for your favourite bands:

  1. Attend Events. If your favourite band is on tour, it’s time to saddle up as a blogger for their tour and follow them on the road.
  2. Respond On Social Media.
  3. Support Them.
  4. Follow, Follow.
  5. Grow Their Fanbase.

What band is almost famous really about?

It tells the story of a teenage journalist writing for Rolling Stone in the early 1970s, his touring with the fictitious rock band Stillwater, and his efforts to get his first cover story published. The film is semi-autobiographical, as Crowe himself was a teenage writer for Rolling Stone.

Are all girls groupies?

The term derives from the female attaching herself to a group, the band. While the band is the group, the female is the groupie. Naturally, not all fans are groupies, and not all groupies are females. Further, there are now groupies of sports teams or players, actors, and oddly enough, high profile criminals.

Did the Bangles have groupies?

They may have lived the rock’n’roll lifestyle during their 80s heyday, but THE Bangles insist they never seduced groupies. The foxy foursome enjoyed a huge male following after storming the charts with hits WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN and MANIC MONDAY.