How to contact peterborough city council?

You can contact customer services by calling 01733 747474 (9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday). Please be aware that the call centre often has a high volumes of calls and waiting times vary, particularly during Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings and lunchtimes. Or you can call specific departments directly.

Who is the head of Peterborough City Council?

Matt Gladstone
The new Chief Executive of Peterborough City Council has today started work for the authority and has outlined his immediate priorities. Matt Gladstone was appointed back in November, taking over from previous Chief Executive Gillian Beasley who has since retired.

What council is Peterborough under?

Peterborough City Council
Peterborough City Council – Peterborough City Council.

How do I get a big black bin in Peterborough?

If you would like to apply for a larger bin please call 01733 747474.

What county is Peterborough in?

of Cambridgeshire
Peterborough, city and unitary authority, geographic county of Cambridgeshire, England.

How do I cancel my council tax in Peterborough?

You must do this in writing, within 21 days if your circumstances change. You can email us at [email protected].

How many city Councillors are there in Peterborough?

The Peterborough City Council is a city council that governs Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. It consists of the mayor of Peterborough, Diane Therrien and ten councillors, who are elected in five two-member wards across the city.

How many Councillors are there in Peterborough?

60 councillors
Councillors are members of the public who are elected to represent the views of the people of Peterborough. There are 60 councillors who represent the city and surrounding villages.

Is Peterborough rough?

Peterborough is the most dangerous city in Cambridgeshire, and is among the top 20 most dangerous overall out of Cambridgeshire’s 262 towns, villages, and cities. The overall crime rate in Peterborough in 2021 was 89 crimes per 1,000 people.

Why is Peterborough called Peterborough?

Founded in 1825, Peterborough was named the following year for Peterborough, New Hampshire, and intended as a compliment for Peter ROBINSON, who directed the settlement of a large number of Irish immigrants in the area.

Can you put crockery in black bin?

The following can be placed in your black bin: Polystyrene packaging. Nappies and sanitary products. Crockery, pyrex and glassware (vases and drinking glasses)