What is mask making competition?

A mask making competition was conducted on 5th October for the students of class 4. The students actively participated in the competition. This competition was conducted to nurture the imagination of the students and help them to develop and strengthen their motor skills.

What are the objectives of mask making?


  • Demonstrate personal expression and original concepts.
  • Demonstrate beginning skills of modeling and constructing.
  • Recognize the existence of similarities and differences among works of art produced in various times and places.

Why are masks important in schools?

Multiple studies and reports show that masks in schools are effective, safe, and necessary because COVID-19 is not going away. As the Omicron surge subsides, many areas in the United States are rapidly returning to normal. Almost all agree we will face another surge of COVID-19 or another virus in the future.

How do you make a mask for activity?

How To Make

  1. Cut out cardboard that will fit the upper half of their face.
  2. Cut out holes in the eye area.
  3. Decorate the mask in orange and black colours.
  4. Add the golden sequence around the holes cut out for the eyes.
  5. Cut out two circles from cardboard sheet to make ears and stick the brown wool/fur onto the paper.

What are the masks we wear?

The 10 Masks We Wear

  • The Cool Guy. By all outward appearances, this person seems to have mastered whatever it takes to stay calm in all situations.
  • The Humorist. Humor is a brilliant defense mechanism.
  • The Overachiever.
  • The Martyr.
  • The Bully.
  • The Control Freak.
  • The Self-Basher.
  • The People-Pleaser.

What is the importance of wearing mask?

Wearing face masks is recommended as part of personal protective equipment and as a public health measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Their use, however, is deeply connected to social and cultural practices and has acquired a variety of personal and social meanings.

Why should you wear a mask?

While wearing a mask may not keep you from getting COVID-19, it can help lower the odds. If you’re sick, a mask can help keep your germs from infecting others. If you’re healthy, a mask can help keep respiratory droplets from someone who is sick from landing in your nose and mouth.

How do you make a simple mask?


  1. Cut Your Fabric. This mask can be made in a few different sizes.
  2. Cut Your Elastic. Cut two lengths of elastic that are 7″ long no matter what size of mask you are making.
  3. Pin the Elastic Onto the Fabric.
  4. Get Ready to Sew.
  5. Sew the Mask.
  6. Turn the Fabric.
  7. Optional: Add Pleats.
  8. Finish the Mask.

Who am I mask activity?

Main activity The purpose of the mask is to answer the question, “Who am I?” Before beginning the mask-making activity, ask students to list the reasons people wear masks. Encourage them to think about masks both literally and figuratively while helping them to consider the multiple purposes of masks.

When was We Wear the Mask?

“We Wear the Mask” is an 1895 poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar. It is generally considered one of his most famous works and has been cited by several scholars as his best poem. The poem appeared in Dunbar’s second volume of poetry.