What are several common nursing diagnosis related to the skin?

The NANDA-I(4) describes three nursing diagnoses related to the skin: Impaired Skin Integrity and Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity, approved in 1975, and Impaired Tissue Integrity, approved in 1986.

What is a smart goal for skin integrity?

GOAL: Promote circulation to tissues by reducing or eliminating pressure. Possible risk factors that decrease circulation or cause unrelieved pressure to tissues: ▪ Immobility (diagnosis that leads to immobility, such as CVA, MS, end stage Alzheimer’s, etc.) ▪ Decreased sensory perception (inability to feel.

How does diabetes affect skin integrity?

Dry skin and infections Cracking and peeling results in openings in the skin, allowing bacteria or fungi to enter the body. High levels of sugar in the body are great breeding grounds and reduce your body’s ability to heal itself, increasing the chances an infection may spread.

Can diabetes cause impaired skin integrity?

Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity Neuropathies from diabetes complications can result in decreased or absent sensation, ultimately putting the patient at risk of altered skin integrity.

What is impaired skin integrity nursing diagnosis?

Impaired skin integrity is characterized by the following signs and symptoms: Affected area hot, tender to touch. Damaged or destroyed tissue (e.g., cornea, mucous membranes, integumentary, subcutaneous) Local pain. Protectiveness toward site.

How should diabetics take care of their skin?

Skin care tips that dermatologists recommend

  1. Moisturize every day.
  2. Treat dry, cracked heels.
  3. Use a gentle cleanser when bathing.
  4. Bathe and shower using warm (not hot) water.
  5. Dry the folds of your skin carefully.
  6. Get medical care for calluses on your feet.
  7. Seek immediate medical care for a skin or nail infection.

How do diabetics take care of their skin?

Take short, lukewarm showers or baths and use mild soaps and shampoos when you wash. Skip deodorant or scented cleansers, which can be harsh on sensitive skin. Moisturize if your skin is dry. The best time is right after a shower or bath, when it’s still moist.