How do you convert lead to gold?

Nuclear Transmutation. In modern times, it has been discovered that lead can in fact be turned into gold, but not through alchemy, and only in insignificant amounts. Nuclear transmutation involves the use of a particle accelerator to change one element into another.

Is it possible to transmute gold?

Chrysopoeia, the artificial production of gold, is the symbolic goal of alchemy. Such transmutation is possible in particle accelerators or nuclear reactors, although the production cost is currently many times the market price of gold.

How does the alchemist transform metal into gold?

Just as alchemists purify lead, removing its impurities to transform it into gold, a person can purify himself by focusing completely on living out his Personal Legend. This process strips the person of impurities, transforming him as the lead is transformed.

Can alchemist make gold?

Alchemists, of course, never could make gold. Gold is an “element,” a substance composed entirely of one kind of atom and not further divisible by chemical processes into other kinds of atoms.

Is alchemy theoretically possible?

Alchemy is possible, in a sense, through transmutation. Transmutation is transforming one material into another. Nuclear transmutation occurs when the nucleus of an element is altered, which changes the makeup and identity of an atom. This is achieved using a particle accelerator.

Can a particle accelerator make gold?

But what of the fabled transmutation of lead to gold? It is indeed possible—all you need is a particle accelerator, a vast supply of energy and an extremely low expectation of how much gold you will end up with.

Can humans create gold?

This formed in a supernova explosion. Neutron capture reactions take place (this is not fusion), leading to the formation of heavy elements like gold. Here on Earth the only way to make gold is using an accelerator to transmute another element into gold.

Can you make gold with nuclear fusion?

Adding or removing protons from a nucleus are types of nuclear reactions. As such, no series of chemical reactions can ever create gold.

What is the most important text in alchemy?

The Rosarium philosophorum or Rosary of the philosophers is recognised as one of the most important texts of European alchemy.

Can you turn mercury into gold?

Mercury is relatively easy to turn into gold, so it will be used as the starting material. This method is not a terribly practical or economically viable way to go about making gold, but if you’re interested in how it works, you can learn the science behind the process.

Can the LHC make gold?

So has the field of physics really discovered the secret to make synthetic gold? Until we understand why, exactly, the experiments with the LHC resulted in the formation of gold and platinum, the answer is sadly no.