What do banded butterflyfish eat?

Like all butterflyfishes, the Banded butterflyfish has a discus body and a very small mouth, perfect for biting its preferred prey – small worms and live, soft tissue of reef-building corals.

Is there a fish that looks like a butterfly?

butterflyfish, also called butterfly fish, any of the approximately 115 species of small quick-moving marine fishes in the family Chaetodontidae (order Perciformes). Butterflyfishes are found among tropical reefs around the world but are concentrated in the Indo-Pacific oceanic region.

Which is famous for butterfly fish?

Butterfly Fish Distribution, Population, and Habitat The greatest concentration of species is found in a stretch of Pacific territory between Australia and Taiwan. Only four species occur in the Eastern Pacific and 13 in the Atlantic Ocean.

How much does a butterfly fish cost?

A butterflyfish typically costs between $20 and $60. While this price range is typical for many butterflyfish, they can vary in cost. Butterflyfish are priced according to their species and cost anywhere up to $4,000, depending on their unique characteristics and rarity.

Do butterfly fish have teeth?

Yes, butterflyfish have teeth. They have small, close-set, and comb-like sets of teeth. Butterflyfish have evolved with these teeth in order to eat coral, shrimp, plankton, and crustaceans. Despite their teeth, most species of butterflyfish are not aggressive and will work nicely as tank mates for other fish.

Are butterfly fish endangered?

Not extinctButterflyfish / Extinction status

Are butterfly fish hard to keep?

The Atlantic long snout butterflyfish grows to only 4 inches long and it is moderately difficult to keep. These fish feed on small invertebrates and they tend to live alone rather than in pairs.

Is Angelfish a butterfly fish?

There are two readily identifiable differences. First, Angelfish always have at least one prominent spine on the posterior edge of the gill cover, while Butterflys have spiny dorsal fins. Second, Angels have a blunt shaped head while Butterflyfish have a beak-like snout.

How many types of butterfly fish are there?

Butterflyfish belong to the Chaetodontidae family of fish, and there are about 130 different species found throughout the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

How long do butterfly fish live?

Due to climate changes and ocean pollution in the last couple of decades, the number of butterflyfish has decreased drastically. How long do butterflyfish live? The average lifespan of a butterfly- fish in the wild is seven years..