What National Forest is the Mogollon Rim?
What National Forest is the Mogollon Rim?
Coconino National Forest
Coconino National Forest – Mogollon Rim Ranger District.
Where is the Mogollon Rim located?
The White Mountains range starts west of the Arizona transition zone, a place known as the Mogollon Rim located in the eastern part of Arizona. The mountainous region stretches mostly east, but a little south, and meanders to the west as far as New Mexico.
What National Forest is Sedona in?
the Coconino National Forest
From the famous red rocks of Sedona to Ponderosa pine forests, from southwestern desert to alpine tundra, the Coconino National Forest is one of the most diverse and unforgettable destinations in the country.
How do you drive the Mogollon Rim?
Drive east on Arizona 260 for 29 miles until it climbs to the top of the Rim. On the right side of the highway sits Mogollon Visitor Center, a small cabin where you can get information and current conditions. Directly across the highway from the visitor center is the eastern end of Rim Road.
What cities are on the Mogollon Rim?
Cities and towns near the Mogollon Rim include Payson, Sedona, Show Low, Alpine and Pinetop-Lakeside. The Mogollon Rim is practically bisected by Interstate 17 which runs north-to-south between Flagstaff and Phoenix.
What national parks are near Sedona?
Top 5 National Parks near Sedona to Celebrate National Parks Day on August 25
- Grand Canyon National Park.
- Montezuma Castle National Monument.
- Petrified Forest National Park.
- Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument.
- Tonto National Monument.
What is Mogollon known for?
The Mogollon are probably best known for the distinctive black-on-white pottery of the Mimbres Mogollon. Close ties with the Ancestral Puebloans to the north, the Hohokam and Patayan cultures to the west, and the cultures of Mexico are evident not only in pottery designs, but in shared styles and artifacts.