What is the northern city vowel Shift?

The Northern Cities Shift (NCS) is a vowel chain shift that occurs in parts of the North dialect region of the US, involving the clockwise rotation of six vowels /æ, ɑ, ɔ, ɛ, ʌ, ɪ/ (Labov, Ash & Boberg 2006).

What caused the Northern Cities Vowel Shift?

This is called a chain shift, and it stems from a fundamental problem with short vowel sounds: Too many of them occupy too little phonological space, so they constantly jostle to defend their linguistic turf.

When did the Northern Cities Vowel Shift start?

The short vowels in English, pit, pet, pat, have been standing still for a thousand years, while the long vowels did their merry chase. It’s called the great vowel shift. But long about 1950, the short vowels in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester, began to move. It’s called the northern city shift.

Are there regional accents in France?

There are actually as many as 28 different accents or dialects for the many different regions of France. They include the Alsatian, Lorrain, Champenois, Picard, Normand, Breton, Tourangeau, Orléanais, Berrichon, Paris, Burgundy, Marseille, Corsica, Lyon, Gascony and Languedoc dialects.

Where is northern dialect spoken?

Northern American English or Northern U.S. English (also, Northern AmE) is a class of historically related American English dialects, spoken by predominantly white Americans, best documented in the greater metropolitan areas of Connecticut, Western Massachusetts, Western and Central New York, Northern Ohio, Northern …

Where does the northern accent come from?

English from its origins is a language of regional dialects. The immigrants who brought English to Britain in the fifth century were from several continental Germanic tribes speaking different dialects, including the Angles from Denmark (as we now call it) and the Saxons from north-west Germany.

Is there a Great Lakes accent?

Inland Northern (American) English, also known in American linguistics as the Inland North or Great Lakes dialect, is an American English dialect spoken primarily by White Americans in a geographic band reaching from the major urban areas of Upstate New York westward along the Erie Canal and through much of the U.S. …

What is the poshest French accent?

#1 Parisian French Of the accents of France, the Paris accent is perhaps the hardest to nail down. And that’s because Parisian French is considered “standard French” – or French without an accent. Also, not every Parisian speaks the same way (just think how many accents there are in London).

Where does the northern accent start?

A new Northern accent This process is not unique to the north of England. There is evidence that it is occurring all over the UK. GNE actually sounds fairly similar to southern standard accents, but includes some features which are found in other northern accents of English.

Why do northerners speak differently?

The northerners stuck to the established pronunciation Linguists have traced the origin of this “ahh” pronunciation in words like “class” to 17th-century London, possibly emanating from a lengthened form in Cockney speech. The short “a” pronunciation is the more historical form.