What does work hard play hard mean?

In a professional context, the expression “work hard, play hard” often means performing well in the office and then partaking in fun activities with friends and family during personal time.

Who first said work hard play hard?

While its actual origin is uncertain, the phrase can be traced to at least 1884, when it was written in an advertisement for Racine College — a 19th Century Episcopal preparatory school in Racine, Wisconsin. It’s attributed to its first Warden, James DeKoven, who famously said, “Work hard, play hard, pray hard.”

Where was play hard filmed?

Mexico City
The nine-minute episode offers fans a behind-the-scenes look at the international array of dancers involved in Guetta’s Play Hard video featuring Akon and Ne-Yo. The dancers describe the auditions, rehearsals and filming that took place in Mexico City.

What’s another way to say work hard play hard?

What is another word for work hard?

toil grind
beaver beaver away
get down to it moil
travail get your head down
put in effort exert oneself

How do you work hard play hard?

What is ‘work hard, play hard’? By electing to ‘Work Hard, Play Hard you are putting yourself through relatively unnecessary hardships. This approach to life encourages that you embrace long working hours combined with a busy social and leisure schedule.

What does it mean to play hard?

Playing hard is all about effort and not taking lazy shortcuts. The following items describe what we feel is representative of players who play hard. These actions or habits are entirely in your control. Meaning, there are no excuses for not doing them other than you are out of shape, lazy, or you don’t care.

What does play hard mean?

If you are playing hard, you are sprinting hard from offense to defense to get set and do your defensive work early. If you are playing hard, you are sprinting from defense to offense to put pressure on the defense to guard you, potentially leaving one of your teammates open.

How do you say we are working hard?

synonyms for work hard

  1. hammer away.
  2. keep one’s shoulder to the wheel.
  3. peg away.
  4. plug away.
  5. put one’s nose to the grindstone.
  6. struggle on.
  7. wade through.

Why you should work hard and play hard?

By electing to ‘Work Hard, Play Hard you are putting yourself through relatively unnecessary hardships. This approach to life encourages that you embrace long working hours combined with a busy social and leisure schedule. All of this action leaves individuals with minimal time for personal reflection or rest.

What rapper sampled better off alone?

In 2008, the main melody of the song was sampled by producer Johnny Juliano in “Say Yeah” by Wiz Khalifa, which added the Roland TR-808 as well as drum machine claps to the existing melody.