Where does Zoltan go Witcher 3?

After the initial meeting, he can be found in the Inn for the remainder of Chapter I. Later in the game, Zoltan can be found wandering around the Temple Quarter (roughly from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) and, if choosing to side with the Scoia’tael or take the neutral path, in the Old Vizima.

Where is Zoltan after game?

Post game, Zoltan should be in or around the Chameleon, formerly the Rosemary and Thyme. Roche should be at the Temerian Partisan Hideout, Lambert is gone after the game but his card should be in his room at Kaer Morhen and Thaler should be at the Seven Cats Inn.

Can you get Zoltan to help in The Great Escape?

You will have the optional objective to ask Zoltan Chivay for help getting the guards drunk. However, if Now or Never was completed he will refuse as the Witch hunters are now targeting non-humans. Whether or not you ask for Zoltan’s help, meet Yen in Oxenfurt.

Does sleeping with Keira Metz affect Triss?

No, sleeping with Keira doesn’t ruin your other romances in the game. For the record, if you romance Triss and then sleep with Yen during the feast in Skellige (but don’t tell her you still love her in The Last Wish sidequest), you don’t get the “Lone Wolf” ending either.

Can you play Gwent with Zoltan?

Having completed this quest, you can challenge Zoltan Chivay to Gwent just outside Dandelion’s Thyme and Rosemary inn. Zoltan gives you a few player leads.

Where is Zoltan located?

Zoltan – Basic Information and Location

Full Name Zoltan Chivay
Profession Blacksmith
Location Novigrad

Is Zoltan Chivay in The Witcher Netflix?

5 The Dwarf Zoltan Chivay The first season of The Witcher on Netflix did a good job of paying homage to the dwarves of the world and one, in particular, made quite a mark on the show. That character’s name was Yarpen Zigrin, the leader of the dwarven group in search of a dragon.

Is Gwent old pals missable?

Is Gwent Quest: Old Pals Missable or Failable? Gwent Quest: Old Pals can be missed if you finish the quest Battle of Kaer Morhen and Reason of State.