What are called Cladophyll?

cladophyll. [ klăd′ə-fĭl′ ] A photosynthetic branch or portion of a stem that resembles and functions as a leaf, as the pad of a prickly-pear cactus. Also called cladode.

What is the vocabulary of stem?

A stem is a plant’s stalk, and it’s also a verb meaning “grow out of.” So roses have stems, and your idea to give roses to your mom for her birthday stems from her love of flowers. A stem can be the central root of a word, the supporting structure of a plant, or the thin, cylindrical part of a glass goblet.

What is the function of Cladophyll?

cladode (cladophyll) A flattened stem or internode that resembles and functions as a leaf. It is an adaptation to reduce water loss, since it contains fewer stomata than a leaf. An example of a plant with cladodes is asparagus.

What are thorns function?

Thorns represent the modification of an axillary shoot system in which the leaves are reduced and die quickly and the stems are heavily sclerified and grow for only a limited time (determinate growth). Thorns appear to protect the plant against herbivores.

What are 3 main functions of a stem?

The primary functions of the stem are to support the leaves; to conduct water and minerals to the leaves, where they can be converted into usable products by photosynthesis; and to transport these products from the leaves to other parts of the plant, including the roots.

What do you mean by Bulbil?

bulbil, also spelled bulbel, also called bulblet, in botany, tiny secondary bulb that forms in the angle between a leaf and stem or in place of flowers on certain plants. Bulbils, called offsets when full-sized, fall or are removed and planted to produce new plants.

What are the three types of stem modification?

Modified stems can be categorized into three types: Underground – Rhizome, Bulb, Corm, Tuber. Subaerial – Runner, Sucker, Offsets, Stolon….

  • Underground Stem Modifications. As the name suggests, these are present underground.
  • Subaerial Stem Modifications.
  • Aerial Stem Modification.

What are thorns answer?

Answer and Explanation: A thorn is a sharp, pointy protrusion that exists on the outside of some plants.

What are leaf scales?

scale leaf (plural scale leaves) (botany) A small flat leaf resembling a scale, such as on many conifers. An individual flower that is subtended by a scale leaf at its junction with the stem of a plant; a rudimentary leaf.

What are types of stems?

There are three types of stem: Underground stem, Aerial stem and Sub- aerial stem.