How do you keep squirrels from eating peanuts?

Put the bird nuts in the bowl and add a few pinches of chilli powder. Mix well and add the chilli powder-coated nuts back into the bird feeder. It won’t hurt the squirrels, it will just put them off.

Are there any bird feeders that are squirrel proof?

The best overall squirrel-proof bird feeder is the Droll Yankees Yankee Flipper Motorized Squirrel Proof Feeder (view at Amazon). The sleek design, seed capacity, and rechargeable battery-powered motor, which sends squirrels flying, make it a winner for any backyard.

Which Squirrel Buster feeder is best?

BEST OVERALL: Brome Squirrel Buster Plus Squirrel-proof Bird Feeder.

  • BEST VALUE: Brome Squirrel Buster Mini Squirrel-proof Bird Feeder.
  • BEST LARGE: Droll Yankees Yankee Flipper Squirrel-Proof Feeder.
  • BEST CHEW-PROOF: Brome Squirrel Solution200 Squirrel-proof Bird Feeder.
  • What is the best bird feeder that is squirrel proof?

    Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders to Try

    • Yankee FlipperĀ® Seed Feeder. Via Amazon.
    • Droll Yankees Domed Cage Bird Feeder. Via
    • Squirrel Proof Double Suet Feeder. Via
    • Squirrel Buster Plus Bird Feeder.
    • Via
    • Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Feeder.
    • Sky Cafe Bird Feeder.
    • Follow the Rule of 5-7-9.

    How do I keep squirrels off my shepherds hook?

    The best way to keep squirrels and raccoons off feeders is to use a pole or shepherds hook with pole baffles installed or hanging baffles installed above the feeder. We DO NOT recommend adding grease, oil or petroleum jelly to a pole or hanger to make it too slippery for squirrels and raccoons to climb.

    Is it OK to put cayenne pepper in bird seed?

    Using Cayenne Pepper in bird seed is not harmful to birds at all. People use it in their bird seed feeders to deter squirrels and other rodent pests. This is something recommended by the RSPB.

    How do you feed birds but not squirrels?

    Read on for some tips on keeping those rascals away from your backyard bird feeders.

    1. Offer foods squirrels don’t like.
    2. Place bird feeders away from trees.
    3. Get a squirrel-proof feeder pole.
    4. Buy a baffle.
    5. Attach a slinky to your feeder pole.
    6. Get a squirrel-proof feeder.
    7. Use seed laced with hot peppers.

    Do squirrel proof bird feeders actually work?

    Just one thing – squirrel proof feeders will stop older squirrels, but juveniles might still be able to get to your seed. They’re lighter, so might not trigger the spring loaded feeders and may be small enough to get through the bars in a caged feeder. They wont be able to for long though!

    Do slinkys stop squirrels?

    A Slinky is another quick and inexpensive solution to stopping the squirrel menace. All it requires is attaching the Slinky to the top of the bird feeder pole and letting it hang down to the ground. When squirrels try to jump on the pole or climb it, the Slinky simply dumps them back to the ground.

    What to put on a pole so squirrels can’t climb?

    Many people use products such as Vaseline, WB-40, axle grease or another greasy or oily products, with the idea that this provides a slippery barrier that the squirrel can’t get past. At least initially, the animal slides down the pole while trying.

    What can I put in my bird seed to repel squirrels?

    Use seed laced with hot peppers. You can purchase capsaicin-coated bird feed products, suets, and sauces on the market (such as Cole’s Hot Meats, available on Amazon) or just mix some cayenne pepper into seed you already have. One whiff or taste is enough to drive out any squirrels in bird feeders.