How do I get ascended hero AFK Arena?

So to ascend an ascended tier Celestial/Hypogean hero from Elite rarity to Ascended rarity you would need 14 Elite copies of the ascended tier Celestial/Hypogean hero. And 2 more Elite copies of the ascended tier Celestial/Hypogean hero for every star up to 5 stars ( 2 X 5 = 10).

Can you ascend in AFK Arena?

In this AFK Arena Ascension Guide, we will show you a quick guide to ascend your heroes via the Temple of Ascension. This building is where you are able to upgrade your Heroes to the higher tiers by sacrificing some required Heroes. To progress further in the game, ascending your Heroes is inevitable.

What is Ascension in AFK Arena?

Ascension is a process where the tier of a hero is improved, therefore increasing their stats and level cap. To ascend a hero, sacrifices are required. Some factions have unique costs, and each tier has different costs as well.

Which heroes should I ascend AFK Arena?

In this period of the game legendary heroes can still carry you, so you should be aiming on getting Silvina/Vedan, Saveas, Hogan, and Arden to Legendary+. These are one of each factions legendary+ tier heroes as they are rare they can be easily ascended to Legendary+.

Who is the best character in AFK Arena?

AFK Arena Tanks

Tier AFK Arena character
S Daimon, Thoran, Titus
A Albedo, Arthur, Grezhul, Mezoth, Orthros, Skreg
B Brutus, Hendrik
C Anoki, Gorvo, Lucius, Torne, Ulmus

What is the highest level in AFK Arena?

AFK Arena Hero Level Caps

Hero Tier Level cap
Elite 100
Elite+ 120
Legendary 140
Legendary+ 160

Is Shemira good AFK?

General Strategy for Shemira Shemira is perhaps the ideal Sweeper hero to place behind Brutus to take advantage of his guaranteed survivability, due to her ultimate indiscriminately damage all enemies while healing her based on damage dealt.

Is Ezizh a tank?

Ezizh. The next hero on our list of best tanks is Ezizh. Although he is not purely a tank type hero, he is still considered a tank in AFK Arena, in fact, he is considered one of the best tanks in the game, due to his tank-like base stats. He has significantly high base health points and defense.

Is Silas good AFK Arena?

Silas is a great new addition to AFK Arena that adds another top tier character to the Graveborn faction. He contains the power of immortality and mass healing to ensure that no one is going down and that his ally keeps on fighting with an attack buff.