What does SeroVital hGH do for you?

SeroVital is a popular brand of dietary supplement. It’s said to be able to naturally raise hGH levels because of the amino acids it contains. This is said to have an anti-aging effect. SeroVital also claims to build stronger bones, increase lean muscle mass, and reduce body fat.

Is SeroVital hGH a good product?

Overall, the hGH-enhancing supplement SeroVital provided a low-risk and cost-effective way to support natural hGH production, benefitting individuals with low-normal hGH with excellent tolerability and safety.

Is it safe to take SeroVital hGH?

SeroVital is not a hormone, so it does not contain any of the dangerous side effects of synthetic hGH. SeroVital’s Renewal Complex is made up of ingredients commonly found in the food supply – ingredients that have a history of safe use in healthy adults.

What is the truth about SeroVital?

SeroVital is marketed as an anti-aging remedy that works by raising human growth hormone (HGH) levels naturally with amino acids. The research consists of one preliminary study that measured HGH levels. There is no clinical evidence that it is effective for anything.

Does HGH shorten your life?

Other research has shown that people with low levels of HGH due to surgical or radiation damage to the pituitary gland that makes HGH have increased risk of cardiovascular disease, a factor that can shorten life span.

Is SeroVital FDA approved?

Although SeroVital claims to increase HGH levels in the blood by 682%, leading to benefits such as muscle gain, weight loss, smoother skin, improved sleep quality, and increased stamina, none of these claims are supported by enough scientific or medical evidence, nor have they been evaluated or confirmed by the FDA.

Will hGH make me gain weight?

HGH alone is likely to result in weight gain that is primarily fat, while adding a regimen of resistance exercise, such as weight training, can help build lean body mass. The average cost of hGH therapy for AIDS wasting is approximately $250 per day.

Is SeroVital good for weight loss?

Will SeroVital Help Me Lose Weight? SeroVital does list increased muscle mass as one of its benefits, but if weight loss is your goal, you should combine the supplement with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Keep in mind that SeroVital isn’t intended for weight loss.

What does HGH do to your heart?

It increased the myocardial mass and reduced the size of the left ventricular chamber, resulting in improvement of hemodynamics, myocardial energy metabolism and clinical status. These promising results open new perspectives for the use of GH in heart failure.

Is HGH safe for seniors?

Experts recommend against using HGH to treat aging or age-related conditions.