What episode is MMM Homer?

Treehouse of Horror XXVIII
Treehouse of Horror XXVIII

“Treehouse of Horror XXVIII”
The Simpsons episode
Episode no. Season 29 Episode 4
Directed by Timothy Bailey
Written by John Frink

What is a Spruce Moose?

The Spruce Moose is a name Charles Montgomery Burns gave to a model airplane when he was sleep-deprived. He claimed it was capable of holding 200 passengers and could move at super-speed. He later wanted Smithers to somehow climb inside.

What is The Simpsons 420th episode?

All About Lisa
It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on May 18, 2008….All About Lisa.

“All About Lisa”
The Simpsons episode
The episode’s promotional image featuring Krusty the Clown, Lisa, and Drew Carey.
Episode no. Season 19 Episode 20

Do The Simpsons ever swear?

In one episode, when Homer swears at some points, he puts money in a “swear jar”. Contains frequent use of mild coarse language throughout the course of the series, such as “hell”, “damn”, “damnit”, and “ass”.

What movie is MMM Homer based on?

MMM… This segment is a parody of Survivor Type, a short story by Stephen King. Lisa references Game of Thrones in the warning to the viewers.

What are the two meanings of spruce?

1a : any of a genus (Picea) of evergreen trees of the pine family with a conical head of dense foliage, flat or 4-sided needles, pendulous cones, and soft light wood. b : any of several coniferous trees (such as Douglas fir) of similar habit. 2 : the wood of a spruce.

How tall is a spruce tree?

Picea is the sole genus in the subfamily Piceoideae. Spruces are large trees, from about 20 to 60 m (about 60–200 ft) tall when mature, and have whorled branches and conical form.

Is Homer a smoker?

Tyler explains that he met Nelson playing “Clash of Castles” and hired him to steal Homer’s smoker in order to frame him. Scotty and Tyler soon reconcile, everything is cleared up with the authorities and Tyler gives Homer’s smoker back.