What does Contemporized mean?
What does Contemporized mean?
: to make contemporary contemporize a magazine with the latest fashions.
Which word can replace contemporaries?
Some common synonyms of contemporary are coeval, coincident, contemporaneous, simultaneous, and synchronous.
What is the synonym of perilous?
Some common synonyms of perilous are dangerous, hazardous, precarious, and risky. While all these words mean “bringing or involving the chance of loss or injury,” perilous strongly implies the immediacy of danger. perilous mountain roads.
Is it Modernise or modernize?
Both spellings are correct. Speakers of US English only use the ‘ize’ version. British/Commonwealth English speakers use both ‘ise’ and ‘ize’. The same goes for many verbs, such as realise/realize, recognise/recognize, and many others.
Who are my contemporaries?
contemporaries Add to list Share. In school, kids are called peers. It’s easier to say than contemporaries, but they mean the same thing. Young, old, or in-between, if people are the same age and living in the same era, they’re contemporaries.
What is a synonym for innovate?
just out. leading-edge. newfangled. originative. state-of-the-art.
What are the synonyms for contemporary?
- new.
- present-day.
- current.
- instant.
- latest.
- mod.
- now.
- present.
What are antonyms for contemporary?
Opposite of belonging to, or occurring in, the present. dated. old. old-fashioned. retro.
What are antonyms for perilous?
antonyms for perilous
- calm.
- certain.
- definite.
- easy.
- firm.
- nice.
- safe.
- secure.
Can a person be perilous?
perilous Add to list Share. Something that is dangerous or very risky can be described with the adjective perilous. If you are driving in a blizzard, you may kick yourself for making such a perilous journey. The adjective perilous comes from the Latin word periculum, meaning dangerous.