What does SCP 1440 do?

SCP-1440 appears to be aware of its effect on human populations, and will attempt to avoid coming into contact with them whenever possible. Despite these intentions, SCP-1440 is compelled to travel in what seems to be a highly complex pattern, which invariably leads it into contact with human population.

What SCP is a cigarette?

SCP-4999 also generates packs of cigarettes in his left jacket pocket, which he will offer to the subject. If the subject accepts the offer, SCP-4999 will place a cigarette in the mouth of the subject, as well as his own, and will light both.

What SCP is immortal?

It has been determined that the personnel casualties and resource expenditure needed to protect SCP-781 can no longer be justified, as continued interference has only caused the manifestations to become more dangerous and volatile, and SCP-781’s immortal nature has been fully proven in any case.

What SCP is tsunami?

scp-tsunami is a Python script for transferring large files to hosts on a network. It improves upon its predecessor scp-wave by borrowing ideas from bitTorrent. It will split a file into chunks and transfer parts of the whole file using scp. These chunks are rebuilt by the receiving hosts once all chunks are received.

What does SCP 871 do?

Any instance of SCP-871 which is not consumed will cause a new cake to be created in its vicinity after 24 hours. While this is similar to its normal “replacement” behavior, the original instance will continue to exhibit the same properties, replicating if damaged and continuing to “replace” itself every 24 hours.

What SCP is the toilet?

SCP-789-J is a ghost that is a face. it lives in a toilet and it talks to you while you poop. then when you poop it goes “no stop aaaa-” and then stops because there is poop in its mouth.

What Scps are female?


  • SCP-079-P1.
  • Claire.
  • SCP-666.
  • SCP-1669.
  • SCP-92580-J.